All Jim Mackey articles – Page 10
Mackey: NHS trust sector expects £500m deficit this year
Regulators previously said the trust sector would need to breakeven in 2017-18 Jim Mackey says plans set by local providers aggregated to a deficit of £496m NHS Improvement chief executive says small number of trusts account for most of the projected deficit NHS trusts are predicting a deficit ...
Expert Briefing
VAT risk for major Manchester contract
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
Mackey reveals next steps to tackle 'ridiculous' PFI deals
NHS Improvement to meet trusts with “early PFI deals”, to discuss plans for the remaining years of the contracts. The regulator has established a working group to explore the possibility of buying out some PFI schemes. Jim Mackey has previously described the profit margins within some contracts as “absolutely ...
NHS Improvement could assess trusts on cybersecurity
An NHS Improvement committee has recommended that trusts are assessed on cybersecurity, in the wake of the cyberattack earlier this month.
Revealed: The provider sector deficit due to be hidden until after election
Regulators wanted to report year-end figures for NHS providers this month, but were forbidden to do so by the Department of Health HSJ research suggests the sector’s combined deficit will be £770m and around 100 providers ended the year in the red Performance will fall well short of targets ...
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Avoiding private providers
HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Crashing the devo party
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: The first big move of 2017-18
HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
Mapped: The health economies with the biggest overspends and underspends
National leaders are still debating how to judge a region’s financial performance.
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: Games will be played
HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
'Silly' bed closures made winter pressures worse, says NHSI chief
Many acute trusts reported capacity problems over the winter after being unable to discharge patients to community beds or care homes NHS Improvement estimated 8 per cent of out of hospital beds were closed compared to the previous winter Jim Mackey says local organisations must work better to understand ...
Trusts 'trying not to blink' in locum pay standoff
Jim Mackey has said NHS trusts are “trying to not blink” amid standoffs with locum doctors, agency nurses and private contractors over new tax rules introduced by HM Revenue and Customs.
NHS should not tolerate 'return to bad days' of bullying
NHS Improvement chief says trusts should not “tolerate a return to the bad days, if that ever existed, even if it was perceived to exist – they shouldn’t tolerate it” Mackey: “I would encourage people, if they’re on the end of something that doesn’t feel right, to challenge it” ...
Private investors and councils key to capital investment, says Mackey
Limited access to capital funding means the NHS will need to design more funding schemes that are “off balance sheet”, potentially enabled by local authorities, Jim Mackey says.
Exclusive: Mackey admits trust deficit cannot be cleared in 2017-18
NHS Improvement chief executive says provider sector will fail to break even in 2017-18 Sector could break even next financial year but factors are beyond trusts’ control, says Jim Mackey Discussions taking place about reporting on the joint financial performance of the NHS provider and commissioning sectors The ...
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: The drag beneath the surface
HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
'A&E special measures' proposal rejected
‘A&E special measures’ plans set out by system leaders this month will not go ahead, Jim Mackey says The regime was trailed in a letter sent to London trusts from NHS England and NHS Improvement directors It prompted concerns from senior managers that the move would not help address ...
Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime
Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...
Three more trusts placed in special measures
Regulator to appoint improvement directors to St George’s, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole, and University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Improvement says trusts will receive a package of support They can also expect tougher interest rates on the bailout loans from the Department of Health Three more trusts have ...
NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds
System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...