All Jim Mackey articles – Page 16

  • Ara Darzi

    Lord Darzi calls for trusts to invest in social care


    Professor Lord Ara Darzi has said NHS providers should get into the social care business to take the pressure off acute trusts.

  • hand shake

    End Game: Hands up who’s been naughty


    Get your facts right on hand hygeine – and weighty issues delay a meeting

  • News

    NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16


    Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Trusts may lose training cash if they don’t impose contract, warns HEE


    HEE chief executive Ian Cumming says he is not prepared to see a competitive market between trusts with different junior doctor contracts Adoption of new contract will be key criteria for HEE decisions on training posts with NHS trusts Follows speculation some trusts could choose not to adopt the ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Junior doctors’ contract should be 'consistently' implemented


    Jim Mackey says NHS Improvement will “do all we can” to ensure consistent implementation He says Sir David Dalton deserves the full support of trust chief executives and chairs Mr Mackey calls social media attacks on chief executives “unacceptable and unprofessional” The chief executive of NHS Improvement has ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive director team revealed


    NHS Improvement executive team names revealed The new organisation, replacing Monitor and the TDA, will today set out how it plans to work Announces new ‘improvement faculty’ and networks for clinical leaders No competition and cooperation director in top team NHS Improvement has appointed its executive director team, ...

  • Treasury

    Treasury gives £1.2bn boost to DH revenue budget


    DH confirms it will get an extra £205m from the Treasury, and transfer £950m from its capital budget to revenue spending Revised departmental funding estimates will be laid before Parliament today, before being debated and voted on in the coming weeks Bailout comes amid warnings that the DH could ...

  • Hospital staff rushing with patient

    Staff agencies struggle to meet NHS demand following pay cap


    Survey suggests agencies are struggling to fill NHS shifts following introduction of pay caps Monitor says the majority of trusts are not struggling to find temporary staff but a third of providers have said it is more difficult Jim Mackey says NHS’s financial challenge “should not be at the ...

  • Hand shake

    Exclusive: DH hired headhunters to find new regulator chief


    The Department of Health spent thousands on a headhunting firm to recruit the head of NHS Improvement, only a few months before trusts were warned against using the firms for their own executive posts, HSJ can reveal.

  • David Cameron

    Fifteen trusts asked to pay executives more than prime minister


    Fifteen trusts applied for permission to pay an executive more than the prime minister Providers must get Treasury approval for salaries above £142,500 NHS Improvement leaders say finding the right managers is biggest problem facing providers Fifteen trusts have applied for permission to pay at least one board ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Success regime not working fast enough


    Jim Mackey criticises pace of success regime programmes NHS Improvement board notes “short window” for statutory consultations around service change Chief executive stresses these are “once and for all” changes The chief executive of NHS Improvement has criticised the speed with which the success regime programme has made ...

  • Alastair Mclellan - Innovators

    Seeing the real Carter legacy through the smoke


    Post-Carter report, healthcare leaders have their work cut out tackling unwarranted variation

  • Agency nurse

    More than a quarter of trusts asked to breach agency cap


    More than a quarter of trusts ask Monitor permission to breach “ceiling” on agency spend in September Nearly a quarter are successful New price cap due to take effect next week More than a quarter of trusts asked Monitor to increase their agency spending cap last year, HSJ ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: Regulators plot new 'single view of quality'


    CQC chief executive says local NHS should change its quality monitoring and governance The CQC “will use NHS Improvement’s assessment of efficiency” Regulator has “come away from the use of the phrase co-regulation” The Care Quality Commission has promised to develop a “single shared view of quality” across ...

  • Crispin Dowler

    Moves to rescue the DH's bottom line look increasingly desperate


    As the NHS approaches the end of one of the toughest years in its history, the Deparment of Health is going to desperate measures not to bust its budget, writes Crispin Dowler

  • Agency nurse

    Agency bill predicted to hit £4bn this year


    NHS provider trusts will spend £4bn on bank and agency staff in 2015-16, national NHS leaders told MPs yesterday.

  • A&E
    HSJ Local

    A&E shake-up needs £490m 'external funding support'


    Huddersfield to lose emergency services despite being twice the size of Halifax Plan will ensure full use of PFI buildings at Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax CCGs say plan will maintain high quality services using the resources available STRUCTURE: Commissioners may consult on plans to reconfigure acute services ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Quality and finances 'cannot trump one another', say regulators


    NHS Improvement and CQC say providers will be judged on delivering “the right quality outcomes within the resources available” Regulators promise to work together to send “single clear, consistent message” New staffing guidance and “care hours per patient day” metric due NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission ...

  • Pooland

    End Game: A saucer of milk for the minister


    End Game brings to you the serious nature of herbal products and a dash of pop 

  • Jim Mackey

    Tariff proposals will not include marginal rate for specialised services


    Providers would be required to buy high cost devices through a central price list “Sustainability fund” could be linked to performance on Carter review, agency spend and avoidable mortality Up to £500m of local capital-to-revenue transfers expected, on top of those at a national level Some areas indicating a ...