All articles by Joe Gammie – Page 10

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: The genie is out of the bottle


    This is HSJ’s new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector. Feedback and comments are welcome, so please feel free to email me in confidence.

  • Cumbria
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard extends training programme into neighbouring regions


    Vanguard expands mental health crisis simulation training from North East into two more regions North East and North Cumbria Urgent and Emergency Care Network invested £200,000 to create the training The scheme will now be rolled out in north Yorkshire and Cumbria for £10,000 An urgent and emergency ...

  • HSJ Local

    Joint NHS England and NHS Improvement director steps down


    Joint director at NHS Improvement and NHS England Tim Rideout stood down at the end of May Mr Rideout was NHS England’s director of commissioning operations and delivery and improvement director for NHS Improvement in Cumbria and the north east He was the first director to hold a joint ...

  • tyne_river

    First commissioning support unit moves towards independence


    A shadow board has been set up to pave the way for a commissioning support unit to turn into a community interest company owned by its customers, HSJ can reveal.

  • mason steven
    HSJ Local

    Joint CCG and council chief resigns with immediate effect


    Council chief who was also accountable officer of CCG resigns Northumberland County Council chief executive Steven Mason was appointed accountable officer at Northumberland CCG in January Council announces Mr Mason has stood down with immediate effect A council chief who also led a clinical commissioning group as part ...

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: Leading from the front or just paying lip service


    A new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Inquest prompts police probe into inpatient deaths


    Police launch probe into patient deaths at acute adult inpatient unit The Essex Police probe is investigating whether there is a criminal case to answer over the deaths of patients at the Linden Centre, now run by Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust Seven patients have died at the unit ...

  • tyne_river

    Exclusive: Leading chief executive faces disciplinary hearing next week


    Sir Leonard Fenwick faces disciplinary hearing on 23 May Investigation report has been passed to trust chair Process ’could take 18 months to resolve’, says source The NHS’s longest standing chief executive Sir Leonard Fenwick faces a disciplinary hearing next week, HSJ has learned.

  • Election logo

    Labour softens stance on STPs in its final election manifesto


    Labour official manifesto softens party stance on sustainability and transformation plans The party now plans to halt and review the STPs instead of simply halting them as set out in the leaked manifesto which was published last week The new manifesto, published today, also sets out the Labour Party’s ...

  • Young person on scales

    New data shows work needed to hit eating disorder treatment standard


    New data shows two-thirds of children and young people with an urgent eating disorder had treatment within a week NHS England data also shows nearly three-quarters of routine eating disorder referrals began treatment within four weeks The data is the first published on children and young people’s eating disorders ...

  • Joe Gammie
    Expert Briefing

    Mental Health Matters: The long road to recovery


    A new fortnightly briefing covering quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector

  • Theresa may on itv

    PM pledges to scrap Mental Health Act in major reform package


    Prime minister Theresa May has pledged to scrap the “flawed” Mental Health Act and replace it with new legislation if the Conservatives are re-elected.

  • mother and baby

    Revealed: Trusts selected to run new mother and baby service


    NHS England has told four trusts they are the preferred providers of four new mother and baby units The successful bidders were notified last month, but final contracts are still being negotiated The MBUs are part of a £40m investment in inpatient perinatal care The preferred providers of ...

  • warning sign
    HSJ Local

    Independent hospital improves training in wake of patient death failures


    Staff at independent mental health unit given extra training in dealing with emergencies Extra training comes after coroner wrote to the firm outlining failures linked to the death of a patient Inquest found James O’Brien died of natural causes, but the jury said the emergency response from hospital staff ...

  • Informal group meeting

    Flagship service hits recovery target for first time


    Flagship talking therapy service hits target for first time since its launch in 2008 Improving access to psychological therapies achieved a 50.1 per cent recovery rate in January 2017, just above the 50 per cent target IAPT is a key element of the Five Year Forward View for Mental ...

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    NHSI: Trust was not using national ligature tool when woman died


    Woman hanged herself from a bath tap in mental health inpatient unit run by Humber FT Inquest returned a verdict of accidental death but coroner flagged up concerns with trust’s ligature policy to NHS Improvement NHSI says the trust was not using a prescribed national tool and had not ...

  • depression_mental_health_elderly_man

    CCGs face mounting 'aftercare' costs for mental health patients


    The average cost per CCG of providing “aftercare” for mental health patients following their discharge has risen by 50 per cent since 2013-14 HSJ investigation finds 78 CCGs did not record how many patients they had on aftercare packages despite legal duty to monitor it The data found 41 ...

  • Cumbria lake windermere
    HSJ Local

    Out of hours service first to be rated outstanding


    North West out of hours GP service given highest rating by CQC Cumbria Health on Call rated outstanding following inspection last year The social enterprise is the first out of hours doctors service to get the top rating An out of hours GP service in the North West ...

  • News

    More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike


    Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...

  • Heart monitor
    HSJ Local

    Keogh review trust back in special measures


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole put back in special measures by NHS Improvement Trust was one of the first placed into the regime following the 2013 Keogh review but was removed in 2014 Care Quality Commission rates the trust inadequate in most recent report A struggling hospital trust which ...