Today we launch a new section on dedicated to the needs of present and aspirant clinical leaders.

Last week Lord Darzi said leadership was "the neglected element of the reforms of recent years" and put it at the centre of his vision for the health service.

Clinicians were given a particular boost, with the health minister promising a focus on leadership in their undergraduate and postgraduate training and new qualifications such as the Clinical Management for Quality programme.

For his vision to come to fruition, clinicians must leave behind the notion that taking a leadership role involves going over to the dark side. Managers, meanwhile, will need to show they understand clinical processes and - more importantly - be prepared to share their power and budgets.

Our new online channel will provide a dedicated forum for clinical leaders entering this brave new world to discuss their needs and ambitions, share ideas for best practice and debate important clinical challenges arising from government policy.

Our columnists will give the channel its own distinct personality. This week, University College London Hospitals foundation trust's Aidan Halligan considers the role of clinical leaders in the wake of Lord Darzi's review, while Heart of England foundation trust chief executive Mark Goldman asks whether doctors will be able to endure the scrutiny clinical leadership will bring.

To read their thoughts and share your opinions, go to

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