All articles by Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    Hurrah! The politcians are back in control


    The NHS has issued a statement expressing support for Wes Streeting as the new health and social care secretary promises to take back control, get the NHS done and lead us to the sunlit uplands. Julian Patterson has the details

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Prepare to clear your desks


    Before he takes up an important political assignment, Julian Patterson offers a shamelessly unbalanced view of the outcome of the general election and what it will mean for HSJ readers

  • Julian Patterson 3x2

    Oh baby!


    The NHS England chief executive took a large case of cliches to Manchester. ‘Did you pack this yourself?’ asks Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    The Groundhog Expo


    It’s time to “activate your awareness funnel” as this year’s Blithering Expo is here. Once again the event provides an opportunity to share learnings, hear about great examples of innovation and network with peers. Most importantly, it’s a chance to get out of the office for a couple of days. ...

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Crack teams to get spin backlog under control


    As election fever intensifies, the Labour leadership has set out a clear and detailed plan to save the NHS, writes Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    A tribute to chair’s towering modesty


    Blithering ICB chief executive Joy Hunter shares extracts from her diary – a privileged glimpse into the busy life of one of the NHS’s top leaders, as told to Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Taking time to stop thinking about problems


    Why is Sir Trevor Longstay keen to hold an all-day planning meeting? Why is he going out of his way to flatter the regional director? And will the ICB ever finish its stakeholder map? Julian Patterson has the answers

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Making liars of us all


    As the pledges of the new hospitals programme inevitably unravel, Julian Patterson wonders who will have the last laugh

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2
  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Blithering shafted


    New CFO Simon Shaft delivers a financial bombshell - the NHS Blithering deficit appears to have been wiped out. Has Sir Trevor Longstay made a terrible mistake? Julian Patterson reports

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    ‘You Turn’ service to continue, vow NHS chiefs


    Martin Plackard, chief strategy officer at NHS Blithering, has made an important correction after a plan to extend health services for practitioners was initially misunderstood. Julian Patterson has the details

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Rating the CQC


    In a week of turbulent regulatory news, no one can be bothered to rate the CQC and system inspections prove elusive. Julian Patterson pretends to care.

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    A plan for all seasons


    In a letter to staff at NHS Blithering ICB, Sir Trevor Longstay gives a warm welcome to NHS England’s timely planning guidance, which promises to make planning more comprehensive and productive than ever. As dictated to Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Victoria Atkins: comedy genius


    In a rare mea culpa, Julian Patterson acknowledges that he was wrong to make fun of the health and social care secretary. She is more than capable of managing without him

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Victoria Atkins’ diary: My big speech


    The secretary of state for health and the other thing gives a major speech and narrowly avoids a man in a car park. Julian Patterson reports

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Are you a competent NHS leader? Take this test to find out


    Who better to judge the ability of leaders than leaders themselves? Julian Patterson test drives the Blithering leadership and competency framework

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Integration: the answer to everything


    Martin Plackard, NHS Blithering’s director of communications and head of system fruition, has published a comprehensive guide to integrated care. ‘It tells you all you need to know – and more,’ he told Julian Patterson

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    A positive lack of clarity


    Technical problems prevented livestreaming of the latest meeting of the Blithering Integrated Care Board. Fortunately, Julian Patterson was there to capture highlights of the proceedings

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    Saving the NHS: the Blithering Health Commission


    The Blithering patient participation group, members of the integrated care board, experts by celebrity and the health and leisure editor of the Blithering Times & Argus have come together for a once-in-a-lunchtime conversation about the future of the NHS. Julian Patterson reports on the findings of the first Blithering Health ...

  • Julian Patterson 2023 3x2

    We must ‘hire before we fire’ declares ICB


    Integrated care boards have been told to cut costs, but these things don’t do themselves. Taking a leaf out of the NHS England playbook, NHS Blithering explains that it is committed to taking on the additional resource needed to drive its rationalisation. By Julian Patterson