NHS bed occupancy hits record high
Latest NHS bed occupancy rates are highest ever recorded for a third quarter since data collections began in 2010 HSJ analysis reveals hospital trusts with highest occupancy Six acute trusts had general and acute bed occupancy rates over 99 per cent The latest NHS bed occupancy figures are ...
NHS finances: The best and worst performing trusts in quarter three
HSJ analysis shows which trusts are performing best, and worst, against their financial plans in 2016-17.
Exclusive: Trust sector deficit worsens by £280m
HSJ research suggests trusts’ finances have deteriorated by nearly £300m since quarter two The numbers suggest a year-end provider sector deficit around £970m NHS Improvement has been discussing revisions with a number of trusts and will report a lower official number next week Jim Mackey concedes the £580m maximum ...
Patient safety fears after trust moves to radiology consortium
Kettering General Hospital dealing with major reporting backlogs affecting thousands of scans, including urgent and cancer MRI and CT scans At least one serious incidence and 68 other incidences of potential harm identified, with patients waiting up to 3 months for routine MRI scan results Fault attributed to flagship ...
HSJ Local
Trust seeks second interim chief in five months
Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust to lose acting chief executive Clare Culpin at the end of March Ms Culpin to become managing director of Basildon and Thurrock FT Substantive chief executive David Sissling remains on extended sick leave Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust is making “interim arrangements” to ...
Hospital, CCG and GP consolidation mooted by STP
Northamptonshire STP says there is potential to move to a “single commissioning organisation” across regional boundaries “Fundamental review” of estates proposed as part of aim to create “single model” of acute care STP aiming for £116m of savings from decommissioning services, CIP and QIPP schemes Service redesign under ...
Acute services could merge under Midlands STP
Single service models being developed for 10 acute pathways to “deliver efficiencies” Plans show that “political opposition”, “capital constraints” and “insufficient workforce” are all risks to implementation CCG plans MCP development and staff reorganisation that could result in redundancies STP wants to see “repatriation” of out of area NHS ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
Revealed: Trusts borrow millions to pay for redundancies and beds
Papers released by the Department of Health show trusts have borrowed hundreds of millions of pounds to pay suppliers, make redundancies and increase bed capacity.
Analysis: 20 trusts behind half of A&E performance decline
Twenty trusts responsible for most of the rise in A&E four hour target breaches Eight of the trusts also drove last year’s decline Smaller trusts disproportionately driving the decline Eight trusts hit the 95 per cent target for 2015-16 overall Twenty hospitals trusts are responsible for more than ...
Exclusive: Hundreds more hidden patients waiting 52 weeks for treatment
HSJ uncovers nearly 400 more patients waiting more than a year for treatment Official data said 722 patients were waiting more than 52 weeks as of January Discovery follows revelation of 1,015 year-plus waiters at Barking, Havering and Redbridge At least 378 more patients than previously thought have ...
Thirty worst A&E trusts called to London summit
NHS Improvement chief raised concerns over “organisations who consistently deliver very low levels of performance” January was “a very difficult month” for A&E departments, Jim Mackey said Trusts “left in no doubt whatsoever that there needs to be a sustained improvement” The 30 worst performers on the accident ...
HSJ Local
Acute care vanguard awarded nearly £1m transformation funding
East Midlands vanguard project awarded £960,000 from NHS England Consortium of seven trusts shares radiology patient images Money needs to be spent by end of 2015-16 FINANCE: A consortium of seven East Midlands acute trusts has been awarded £960,000 to support its work as a vanguard site developing ...
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: Vanguard 'super practice' bid to switch CCG rejected
COMMISSIONING: A GP ‘super practice’ which is also a new care model vanguard has applied to move to a different clinical commissioning group, but been rejected, HSJ can reveal.
Revealed: 11 trusts whose DH bailouts were converted to loans
The Department of Health obliged some of the most seriously troubled hospitals in the NHS to receive their bailouts in the form of ‘loans’ last year, DH figures show.
HSJ Local
TDA urges trust to go ‘further and faster’ on reconfiguration
FINANCE: The NHS Trust Development Authority has challenged one of the largest teaching hospitals in the country to move ‘further and faster’ with reconfiguration plans designed to cut costs and improve care.
HSJ Local
Expanding ‘super-practice’ wants GPs to work across secondary care
COMMERCIAL: A GP ‘super-practice’ is seeking doctors to work in urgent care centres, accident and emergency and other secondary care settings across the East Midlands as part of ambitious expansion plans, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Kettering trust fined for employee burns
WORKFORCE: Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust has been fined £7,000 after an employee received serious burns while stripping down a steam boiler.