All King's Fund articles – Page 41

  • News

    How will you lead the NHS spending revolution?


    Last week's operating framework presented managers with a 'huge leadership challenge' - juggling savings with productivity. But what problems might spending cuts put in their way, asks Sally Gainsbury

  • News

    NHS top-up confusion persists


    Campaigners are demanding clarity over whether patients using non drug-based NHS services will be able to 'top up' their care.

  • News

    David Flory: payment by results tariff will be right, not rushed


    The Department of Health will postpone plans to introduce a new payment by results tariff next year if it cannot prevent it from financially destabilising specialist hospitals.

  • News

    King's Fund report points to patchy patient experience


    Patients' experience of NHS care is more patchy and variable than suggested by national surveys, research by the King's Fund has found.A new report by the think tank says most patients have a mixed experience while they are using services.

  • Supplements

    HSJ50 2008: Controversy and change


    This year’s HSJ50, the ranking of the 50 most powerful people in NHS management policy and practice in England, reveals dramatic changes in who is wielding power.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Niall Dickson


    Niall Dickson, chief executive, King’s Fund

  • News

    Everyday technology could improve patient care - King's Fund


    The NHS is failing to use everyday technology such as emails to improve patient care and save money, according to two reports published today by the King's Fund.The think tank argues that well-established technologies and more advanced systems could allow patients to book GP appointments via the internet, receive routine ...

  • News

    King's Fund welcomes free prescriptions for cancer patients


    The King's Fund has welcomed prime minister Gordon Brown's announcement that he will scrap prescription charges for cancer patients from April 2009, and subsequently for all patients with long-term conditions.

  • News

    Top-ups should be allowed, says King's Fund chief


    The NHS should not deny treatment to patients who pay privately for unapproved drugs, King's Fund chief executive Niall Dickson has said.He told a seminar yesterday: 'The current practice on top-ups, which prohibits people from privately purchasing drugs not available on the health service while continuing a course of NHS ...

  • News

    Top-up status quo not an option - Mike Richards


    National clinical director for cancer Mike Richards has hinted that his review of top-up payments will result in a definite policy shift.

  • News

    King's Fund reports variations in disease spend


    A King's Fund report claims to reveal widespread variations in how much primary care trusts spend on treating different diseases, even after differing needs are taken into account.Spending varies 2.9 fold on mental health, 2.5 fold on cancer and 2.2 fold on circulatory diseases, according to Local Variations in Priorities: ...

  • News

    Top-ups: experts divided over health's thorniest issue


    Should patients be allowed to top up their care by paying privately for drugs? The question has confounded experts and now the government has an unenviable task in making a final decision. Helen Crump reports

  • News

    Huge contrasts found between UK nations


    Patients in the UK’s four nations have dramatically different experiences of the NHS, HSJ can reveal.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National service: health policy performance across the UK


    A&E attendances and emergency admissions have shot up in recent years - but only in England. Alison Moore asks why the record is so inconsistent across the UK

  • News

    A shot in the arm for community health services


    The government is promoting the social enterprise model of service provision, but there are other options available to primary care trusts. Ingrid Torjesen offers an overview

  • News

    Don't alienate private sector, warns panel


    Ministers must spell out the future direction of NHS reform or risk losing the interest of the private sector, an influential panel has warned.

  • Comment

    Ken Jarrold on why Darzi needs nurses


    Last November, commenting on the first Darzi report, I pointed out that only a crusade for nursing and a focus on team leaders would improve patient experience.

  • News

    Proceed with caution on polyclinics, says King's Fund


    Primary care trusts should only proceed with new polyclinics if there are clear benefits to local communities, the King's Fund has said in a new report.

  • News

    King's Fund urges polyclinic caution


    Primary care trusts should consider polyclinic models that do not centralise GP services under one roof, the King's Fund has urged.

  • News

    King's Fund bursts the polyclinic plan bubble


    Lord Darzi's proposals for a shake-up of primary care polarised opinion. This week the King's Fund attempts to clarify the terms of debate and set out what will work - and what won't, writes Helen Crump