All King's Fund articles – Page 43

  • News

    Race is on for King's Fund chief executive role


    Published: 08/05/2003, Volume II3, No. 5854 Page 5

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    King's Fund forced to cut jobs


    Published: 03/10/2002 Volume II2, No.5825 Page 4

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    Stock market downturn threatens King's Fund jobs


    Published: 09/05/2002, Volume II2, No. 5804 Page 6

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    King's Fund grant to improve the environment


    Published: 28/03/2002, Volume II2, No. 5798 Page 8

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    King's Fund Millennium Awards


    Ife Piankhi from the Black Angels Mothership Community Project and her daughter Kha'mara join Tony Banks MP, Rabbi Julia Neuberger, chief executive of the King's Fund (right), and Isabella Kpobie from the King's Fund (left) at the launch of the King's Fund Millennium Awards, which total £1. 3m and will ...

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    Short Cuts: Coulter leaves King's Fund to join research body


    Dr Angela Coulter is leaving her post as executive director of policy and development at the King's Fund to become chief executive of Picker Europe, a not-for-profit research organisation specialising in patients' experiences of health services. The organisation carried out the first national patient survey for the NHS, published last ...

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    In Brief: The King's Fund


    The King's Fund has launched a project looking at approaches to public involvement taken by London's primary care groups, with the aim of helping them to develop more effective methods. Project manager Will Anderson said that 'the NHS has traditionally found it hard to involve the public' but PCGs would ...

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    news in brief The King's Fund


    The King's Fund is working with local groups in Greater Manchester, Sheffield and London to improve rehabilitation services for elderly people. The programme includes work with Trafford South primary care group, which is using workshops to help reshape existing services.

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    Short cuts King's Fund quality body goes independent


    The Health Quality Service, set up last year as an autonomous part of the King's Fund, is to become an independent charitable body. HQS, formerly known as Organisational Audit, works with both the NHS and the private sector to improve the quality of care.

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    'Admit rationing and justify it' King's Fund tells government


    The government should admit rationing is inevitable and back efforts to make the process fairer and more transparent, the King's Fund has said.

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    Short cuts King's Fund appoints new senior associates


    Baroness Cumberlege, Lord Harris of Haringey, Catherine McLoughlin and Sir Leslie Turnberg have been appointed senior associates of the King's Fund. Sir Leslie will work with the Health Quality Service on clinical standards, while NHS Confederation chair Ms McLoughlin will work on 'professional roles and leadership development'. Baroness Cumberlege, a ...

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    King's Fund criticises spirit and cost of asylum bill measures


    Forcing asylum seekers to disperse around the country will cost the NHS money and increase the risk of racial discrimination, the King's Fund has warned.

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    King's Fund finds interpretation services are 'vital'


    A King's Fund report has concluded that interpretation and advocacy services in primary care are 'vital' for meeting government targets for improving health among ethnic minority communities. The report calls for their 'precarious' funding position to be addressed.

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    King's Fund director believes 'rationing is inevitable'


    King's Fund director of policy and development Angela Coulter was due to tell an international conference today that 'rationing is inevitable' and politicians 'must take a lead and stop pretending that the NHS can meet all demands'. She was also due to tell the Priorities in Healthcare conference that the ...

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    Establishment man is new chair at King's Fund


    The King's Fund moved this week to reaffirm its establishment credentials with the appointment of former Department of Health permanent secretary Sir Graham Hart as its new chair.

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    King's Fund overspends by pounds2m


    The King's Fund overspent its budget by more than pounds2m last year as changes brought in by new chief executive Julia Neuberger began to take effect. But it still has investments worth pounds150m to cushion the blow.

  • News

    In Brief: King's Fund


    A three-year scheme to evaluate new ways of working in primary care was launched this week by the King's Fund and the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre. It will look at developments in nine Primary Care Act pilot sites in England and Wales.

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    In Brief: King's Fund report


    The government would find it more difficult to develop a fair system of healthcare if decisions were handed to elected bodies, says a King's Fund report.