All Labour policy articles – Page 23

  • News

    Alan Johnson orders shop cigarette displays to be removed


    Tobacco displays will be removed from shops and access to vending machines restricted as part of moves to stop children and young people from smoking.After holding a consultation on tobacco control, the Department of Health said cigarette displays promote smoking to young people, prompt impulse purchases of cigarettes and undermine ...

  • News

    Health secretary Alan Johnson announces dramatic reforms to PCT funding


    The Department of Health has unveiled dramatic reforms to primary care trust funding allocations.Health secretary Alan Johnson announced today that PCTs would receive £164bn funding for 2009-10 and 2010-11, equating to an average of £1,612 per person by 2010-11.

  • News

    Alan Johnson orders Baby P death probe


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has ordered two reports into the way NHS organisations protect vulnerable children in the wake of Baby P's death in Haringey.

  • News

    Alan Johnson opens UK's first GP led health centre in Bradford


    Health secretary Alan Johnson attended the launch of the first GP-led health centre in Bradford last week.

  • News

    Alan Johnson opens England's first GP health centre


    Health secretary Alan Johnson is today opening the first GP health centre in England.

  • Blogs

    The end of the NHS


    So the Labour Party has finally brought an end to the NHS. Universal healthcare free to all at the point of need and delivery is replaced by a universal healthcare floor over which you can buy anything that we're willing to sell you on an item of service basis depending ...

  • News

    Alan Johnson warns NHS not to slash training


    Slashing training budgets in reaction to the credit crunch would be a 'false economy', health secretary Alan Johnson has told trusts.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Johnson


    Alan Johnson, secretary of state for health

  • News

    Alan Johnson wants fewer London PCTs


    Alan Johnson has called for a debate about whether there are too many primary care trusts in London. The health secretary told HSJ that he didn't think having 31 PCTs covering London was 'the most sensible arrangement'.

  • News

    Alan Johnson orders trusts: cut waits for speech therapy


    NHS organisations must work with allied health professionals to bring down 'unacceptable' waiting times for services such as speech therapy, health secretary Alan Johnson has told them.

  • News

    Political fear frustrates local socialism


    It is clear from discussions at the Labour Party conference that ministers are not willing to commit in any meaningful way to accountability to patients and the public. They feel that patient and public involvement will result in a postcode lottery followed by assassination by the press.

  • News

    Phil Hope gets beefed-up DH social care portfolio


    The profile of social care has been given a potential boost with the appointment of Phil Hope as a minister of state for care services in the Department of Health.

  • News

    David Cameron: Labour is no longer party of NHS


    Labour has lost the right to be known as the party of the NHS, according to Conservative Party leader David Cameron.

  • News

    Tories: Labour using NHS money for votes


    The government is 'manipulating' the NHS funding allocation formula to 'shore up' votes in areas loyal to Labour, the Conservatives have claimed.

  • News

    Prizes for world class commissioning winners


    Primary care trusts that are successful in world class commissioning may win the right to name the salaries of their senior managers and non-executive directors.

  • News

    NHS data breach furore could derail reforms


    Service reforms are at risk of being derailed by the 'hyperbole' surrounding government data breaches, Dr Foster Intelligence has warned.

  • News

    Charities support Labour on health interventionism


    Charities and activists have told Labour not to shy away from tackling access to GP services and to ignore jibes about the 'nanny state'.

  • News

    NHS managers lack faith in all three parties


    An exclusive poll for HSJ reveals the extent of dissatisfaction in the health service with the three main parties' policies.

  • News

    Alan Johnson approves A&E closure plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has given his backing to controversial plans to close the accident and emergency department at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, London.Proposals by Barnet, Enfield and Haringey primary care trusts, which had been referred to the independent reconfiguration panel, will see parts of the hospital rebuilt and ...

  • News

    Alan Johnson reveals end of life strategy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has launched the government's end of life care strategy.The report, backed with £286m of funding, will see primary care trusts work with local authorities to ensure that rapid response community nursing services are available in all areas.