All Labour policy articles – Page 24

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Johnson on narrowing the gaps in health equality


    Health inequalities blight our communities. It is unacceptable that in the first decade of the 21st century, the length of a person's life is still determined by where they were born and their social status.

  • News

    Alan Johnson tells Confed: champion quality


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has told managers they must be 'the champions of quality'.Speaking at the NHS Confederation conference, Mr Johnson said the 'overwhelming emphasis' of health minister Lord Darzi's next stage review would be on quality.

  • News

    Labour's NHS vision let down by reforms


    New Labour's reforms have failed to deliver its vision to transform the health service, a major report has concluded.The joint Audit Commission and Healthcare Commission report finds the overhaul of the health service under the 2000 NHS Plan has, in many areas, fallen well short of expectations.

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    Alan Johnson steps up pace of inequalities reform


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has outlined plans to ramp up the pace of reform in the face of a struggle to meet health inequalities targets.

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    Alan Johnson launches national social care debate


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has launched a six-month debate on the future of social care and support services. Regional events will be held to gather views on how to create an affordable system targeted at those most in need.

  • News

    Alan Johnson's Christmas message


    Most people are fortunate enough to be able to forget about work during Christmas. But for thousands of NHS staff, it will be business as usual as they work round the clock providing the care that the public values and relies upon.

  • Comment

    Michael White on Alan Johnson


    I don't know where it came from but in the past few days we've started reading in the papers that Gordon Brown may not last the course. What's more, health secretary Alan Johnson may be the man to take over.

  • Comment

    Alan Johnson's discs


    We wager that on a Sunday morning the gentle sounds of the introduction music to Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, to say nothing of presenter Kirsty Young's dulcet tones, sooth many a reader. So how did you feel to hear health secretary Alan Johnson on the programme recently? Was your ...

  • News

    Alan Johnson named as new health secretary


    Prime minister Gordon Brown has appointed Alan Johnson as next health secretary. With the NHS declared as Mr Brown's top priority, Mr Johnson's appointment was expected to be among the first of the new cabinet. The first cabinet meeting is due to take place this afternoon.

  • News

    Government looks at Labour's health legacy


    The Department of Health has published four reports looking at progress in certain conditions over the last 10 years.The reports cover cancer, coronary heart disease, emergency care and mental health.Download the reports here

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    Independent pay reviews ruled out by minister Andy Burnham


    Health Minister Andy Burnham has dismissed calls to bring in a review body to rule on the new general medical services contract.

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    Scottish Labour party vows to halve waiting times


    The Scottish Labour party has pledged to halve waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. The promise comes in the party's new manifesto, launched today.There is also a specific commitment to cut waits to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks by the same ...

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    Burnham launches next wave of foundations


    Health minister Andy Burnham has given support to the next wave of nine NHS foundation trusts, bringing the total up to 62.He has also welcomed the authorisation of three more foundation trusts by Monitor.

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    New labour: the Welsh clinical pathway for childbirth


    Swansea University professor of midwifery Billie Hunter has researched into the clinical pathway in Wales, a system designed to document childbirth more carefully

  • News

    Burnham launches payment by results consultation


    Andy Burnham has invited views on a number of ways to develop the payment by results system for 2008-09 and beyond.The ideas include strengthening payment by results data, more unbundling of tariffs, setting prices based on effective practice rather than on average costs and extending the system to more services.Read ...

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    Survey is a 'thumbs down' to Labour


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said that chief executives had delivered a 'thumbs down' to the government and, in particular, to health secretary Patricia Hewitt.

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    Burnham plans NHS 60th birthday celebrations


    Plans to mark the 60th birthday of the NHS next year by formalising its core values in a written constitution are to be put to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown by Andy Burnham, the health minister responsible for NHS reform.Mr Burnham said the constitution could include 10 core principles that ...

  • News

    Burnham announces engagement plans


    Health minister Andy Burnham has published proposals for better NHS staff engagement, based on his experience shadowing frontline workers last year.The report also proposes a review of Agenda for Changeand piloting of a 'graduate guarantee' scheme for newly qualified health professionals.Read the report here

  • News

    Labour MP slams workforce planning


    Labour MP and health select committee member Dr Howard Stoate has criticised a 'boom and bust' culture in NHS workforce planning and argued against local planning.Speaking at a committee hearing yesterday, he said a lack of centralised workforce planning meant the NHS was 'chasing its tail'.

  • News

    Labour PRs win SHA jobs


    Two former New Labour PR gurus have been appointed directors of communications in strategic health authorities.