Latest news – Page 2708

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    Speaker's corner


    A remedy for medical complaints

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    in person


    Ian Hammond has been appointed chief executive of Bedfordshire and Luton Community trust. He was previously chief executive of Bedford and Shires Health and Care trust, which merged with South Bedfordshire Community Health Care trust to form the new organisation.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Short cuts BMA calls for action over shortage of obstetricians


    The British Medical Association has renewed its call for the Department of Health to take 'immediate action' over a 'shortage' of consultant posts for trained obstetricians and gynaecologists. It says there will be about 500 doctors holding a certificate of specialist training by 2001, but only 50 consultant vacancies a ...

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    Short cuts Rampton staff entering secure zone to be screened


    Steps are being taken to screen staff at Rampton Special Hospital in the wake of the Fallon inquiry into the personality disorder unit at Ashworth. The report by Judge Peter Fallon called for staff searching to be introduced at all three of England's high-security hospitals. Ashworth and Broadmoor have already ...

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    Short cuts Specialist liver units to be limited to three sites


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has announced that the use of Kasai portoenterostomy - a surgical procedure used to treat children with severe liver problems - will be limited to three centres in England, following a report from the National Specialist Commissioning Advisory Group which found that patient outcomes were better ...

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    Short cuts GPs urged to send women a report after smear test


    The Medical Defence Union has urged GPs to make sure that all women who have a smear test receive a written report. It has reminded GPs that national guidelines issued by the Cancer Research Campaign say 'it is the responsibility of the smear taker' to ensure patients receive a record ...

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    Short cuts HAS 2000 issues care standards for elderly people


    The health advisory service HAS 2000 has launched five sets of care standards for frail elderly people and those with mental

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    Short cuts Military medical service welcomes NHS managers


    Two senior NHS managers have been appointed to help oversee the military medical services. Barbara Stocking, director of South East region, has joined the vice-chief of defence staff's management board, responsible for strategic overview of the defence medical services. Mark Gritten, chief executive of Royal Berkshire and Battle Hospitals trust, ...

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    It is always sad to report on the plight of oppressed workers, but Monitor has seldom heard of greater hardship than that suffered by the downtrodden masses at the Royal College of Nursing. Forced out of upmarket Cavendish Square to rented accommodation in grimy Euston while the gentleman's club which ...

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    An everyday tale of trust folk, appearing fortnightly

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    RCN raises concerns and calls for clearer DoH guidance on children in private hospital beds


    Clearer guidance is needed on the care of children in private hospital beds, the Commons health select committee has been told.

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    Trust fails to spot postage stamp sale fraud by manager - and NHS Executive picks up the bill


    A trust failed to spot that one of its managers was making money by buying and selling stamps - even though it put most of its mail through a franking machine.

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    Payback threat to Edinburgh's new chief


    A high-profile NHS manager could be forced to pay back a six-figure sum after securing the top job at one of Scotland's flagship trusts within weeks of leaving Wales' largest provider.

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    Minister forced into pensions statement by PFI row


    The row over a privately funded replacement for Edinburgh Royal Infirmary continued into the final days of campaigning for the Scottish Parliament elections.

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    Rampton's 'partner' takes over East Midlands forensic health


    A Nottinghamshire trust already in ‘partnership’ with high security Rampton Hospital has taken over the running of the East Midlands regional forensic health service.

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    HAZs 'could be key in push on mental health'


    The King's Fund has called for increased integration between urban regeneration initiatives and efforts to tackle mental ill health.