Latest news – Page 2710

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    Putting Princess Diana in the (correct) picture


    Your article 'Why roll out the red carpet' was a useful and informative report, but the picture of Princess Diana was not taken at the Deaf Association, but dates from January 1989 when she visited the Service for Hearing Impaired Children, Kingston.

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    Prescription wastage and loopholes see millions of pounds going down the drain each year


    Popular myth has it that Aneurin Bevan resigned as health minister in response to chancellor Hugh Gaitskell introducing a prescription charge of 1 shilling per item. In truth, his 1951 resignation speech suggests his departure probably owed more to his fierce opposition to NATO's planned rearmament programme.

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    Plunder and pillage



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    Parliamentary question from Dr Stephen Ladyman


    ( bottom right), Labour MP for South Thanet (whose constituency includes a Pfizer plant ). House of Commons, 13 April.

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    Key points


    The government has proposed a statutory scheme to regulate prices and profits on the sale of drugs to the NHS.

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    Regulating drug prices and profits: the Health Bill proposals


    The bill will give the health secretary the power to either:

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    Foreign exchange: lessons from abroad


    While international comparisons are always difficult, some lessons can be gleaned from the experience of other countries with stricter regulation than the UK. Such policies have failed to reduce the national drugs bill.

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    You ain't seen nothing yet


    open space

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    States of flux


    primary care trusts

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    Key points


    Primary care trusts are similar to US health maintenance organisations in that they act as both commissioners and providers of services.

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    HMOs: what, how and why


    The incentive for a managed care organisation is to maintain the health of its enrolled population and to minimise expenditure on health treatment services.

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    Building blocks: the future shape of PCTs


    Visible integration of primary and community health services at the interface of hospital and community provision.

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    Developing PCTs: a checklist for managers and clinicians


    Values, rather than structures and frameworks, should guide the overall activities of PCTs.

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    career exchange

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    Chief executive, Hertsmere primary care group


    Salary: £41,000

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    Health risks


    data briefing

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    in person


    University Hospital of Wales and Llandough Hospital trust has made four key appointments: Susan Hobbs has become chief nurse, Paul Davies is the new finance director, Judith Hardisty is human resources director and Bob Burrows has become corporate administration director. All previously held senior posts with one of the trust's ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Monitor is delighted to hear of a planned VIP visit to London by Sir Bernard Tomlinson. Apparently the man who reviewed the capital's health service back in 1992 was 'delighted' when the idea was put to him, and former London Implementation Group boss Bob Nicholls is currently canvassing for volunteers ...

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    Short cuts 'Stifled competition will create shortages' warning


    Maverick Conservative former trust chair John Spiers has argued the NHS is the 'last failed nationalised industry' in a book published by right- wing think-tank the Institute of Economic Affairs. The decision to remove the price mechanism and 'stifle competition' have created 'the classic conditions for scarcity', Mr Spiers argues, ...