Latest news – Page 2719

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    in person


    Former psychiatric nurse Philip Burgess has joined East Berkshire Community Health trust as chief executive. He had been acting chief executive of South Bedfordshire Community Health Care trust, where he was previously director of operations and nurse adviser.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Minority share scheme


    open space

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    As you go about your business in your comfortable and yet spacious suite of offices, spare a thought for the toiling masses of the Department of Health, where the powers that be have become fed up with reorganising the NHS and turned on their own kind. Having decided there wasn't ...

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    Jowell orders independent probe into mobile phones


    Public health minister Tessa Jowell has instructed the National Radiological Protection Board to set up an independent working group to assess the state of research into mobile phones. Announcing the initiative, Ms Jowell said it would be wrong to ignore public concern about the possible health risks. A short study ...

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    £48m boost to help reduce social exclusion in Wales


    Welsh secretary Alun Michael has announced that £48m will be spent tackling social exclusion in the principality over the next three years. The first tranche of £8m, to be spent in the current financial year, will support drug and alcohol treatment services, promote local initiatives to encourage young people away ...

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    Partnership bid to ensure children get healthy start


    Community Health South London trust has teamed up with national parenting charity Newpin to launch one of the first Sure Start programmes in the country. The programme, aimed at improving the lives of families with children under four on an estate in Southwark, involves a partnership with parents, voluntary organisations ...

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    Dramatic figures on obesity spark new action plan


    A new action plan to tackle rising levels of obesity has been announced by public health minister Tessa Jowell following new figures showing dramatic increases in the last five years. The Health Survey for England: adult reference tables 1997 shows that 17 per cent of men and 20 per cent ...

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    Grant aimed at helping mentally ill find employment


    The National Schizophrenia Fellowship has been awarded £170,000 by the Department for Education and Employment to help people with severe mental illness into sustained employment in London and Essex. It is believed to be the first time money from employment - rather than social care - has been used to ...

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    Borough bidding to work its care plan into HImP


    A London borough is planning to ditch its community care plan in order to incorporate it into the local health improvement plan in a bid to extend joint working between health and local authorities.

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    Equal wage win opens floodgates


    Two more NHS trusts face equal value claims following the victory last week of more than 200 female domestic and catering workers granted parity with male porters at Hartlepool General Hospital.

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    Decision on 2000 pay shocks managers


    Hospitals could face a staffing crisis over the millennium weekend as a result of the government's decision to turn down a national deal on premium pay.

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    Outside the NHS


    BT: flat rate of £280 a day for staff on call on 31 December or 1 January plus £55 hourly bonuses, on top of existing bank holiday premiums.

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    IHSM calls for a 'more explicit' political direction on rationing


    Rationing will become more explicit because of the cash limits on primary care groups, according to an Institute of Health Services Management discussion paper.

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    Career NHS manager takes top post at NICE


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has chosen a low-profile career NHS manager to head the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, launched this week as a special health authority.

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    NICE: the cast list


    Chair Professor Sir Michael Rawlins, clinical pharmacologist, formerly chair of the Committee on Safety of Medicines.

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    Equal to the task


    news focus

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    The age of consent


    The NHS will soon have to ask patients before sharing their medical records, this year's Healthcare Computing conference heard. Peter Mitchell reports