Latest news – Page 2720

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    Deprivation blackspot


    Norbiton ward is the most deprived ward in the area of Kingston and Richmond HA, with a Jarman deprivation score of 29 - nearly double that of the next worst ward and nearly seven times the average for the area.

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    Secret service


    The NHS Executive is to set up a special national authority for security and confidentiality, says its new head of information management and technology policy, Dr Peter Drury.

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    Read between the lines


    The NHS's Read codes clinical vocabulary is to be gradually merged into the US-developed SNOMED vocabulary.

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    And another thing...


    news focus

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    Putting the initiatives in initiative-itis


    A £1m budget for human resources 'beacons' of 'excellence in managing people' across the organisation. To reward 'positive and imaginative approaches' in areas including recruitment and retention, equality and training plans to support clinical governance. HR beacons will have to disseminate good practice.

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    'Coherent action' on racism


    Racial hatred and discrimination 'must not be allowed to fester in the workplace', said NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands. He called for 'coherent action, not isolated initiatives' to address the issue.

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    'I hate the bastards'


    Strong feelings among Labour MPs will not be the only obstacle to regulating the private healthcare sector, writes Lynn Eaton

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    Causing a stir


    news focus

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    Inside stories


    Parc prison, a privately run local prison with 800 inmates, has contracted out its healthcare to Bridgend and District trust since late 1997.

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    Heavyweight title fights



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    So, AMIGOS, you're getting a little JIP about MINIS. It is time to address the issue head on with better PR. And if none of that makes any sense, you need the Health and Social Services Glossary of Acronyms, lovingly crafted by South Manchester primary care group lay member Martin ...

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    Collateral damage as Joe misfires his rocket



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    Telemedicine and telephones Reference group offers links and practical advice based on experience


    As the two founding members of the Institute of Health Services Management's telemedicine and telecare programme, we were pleased to see your wide-ranging comments on telemedicine ('Telly addicts?' IT Update, 18 March).

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    Pathways and judgement: why not a bit of both?


    Professor Jeremy Dale makes a number of interesting points about computer systems for telephone triage and advice (news, page 3, IT Update, 18 March), particularly his assertion that 'all the professions - especially the Royal College of Nursing - favour the guidelines approach', while 'ambulance services have so far tended ...

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    Putting a premium on preventing pricey calls


    Trusts are still dismissing employees for making premium-rate telephone calls at work. In this day and age, it is inconceivable that any trust has a telephone system which does not prevent premium-rate calls.

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    Looking for good information? Try the library


    I was surprised to see no mention in your feature on clinical governance ('PA for the course', page 26, 11 March) of the importance of the library and information service in the hospital.

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    NHS managers are ahead of the game


    Professor David Hunter is right to highlight the scale of the management task in delivering NHS modernisation (news, page 3, 11 March).

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    Clinical trials can test effectiveness


    Your feature on the introduction of the Alzheimer's drug, donepezil, in the Withington Hospital, Manchester, ('Making introductions', pages 28-29, 25 February) stated that 'evidence of its efficacy in clinical use and its cost-effectiveness can only be obtained from further research and audit after its introduction in clinical practice'.

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    Targeted team's help for homeless people


    I read with interest Steve Ainsworth's article on access to GP services ('Left out in the cold', page 23, 11 March). It is too easy, however, to blame GPs for failing to address the health needs of homeless people.

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    Magic Mo-ments planned for devolution year


    A magic moment it was indeed when Mo Mowlam addressed the Royal College of Nursing congress (politics, 18 March). But in your news focus report of the event, the suggestion that health secretary Frank Dobson 'had better things to do' than address congress is unfair.