Latest news – Page 2726

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    Conservative reforms get Bristol scrutiny


    The impact of the Conservative government's NHS reforms will come under the spotlight at the Bristol Royal Infirmary inquiry.

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    Consultants are stripped of merit awards


    Senior consultants have been stripped of merit awards for the first time by the Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards.

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    White man's burden Proportion


    White man's burden Proportion of awards to ethnic minorities (12.9 per cent of the consultant workforce in England and Wales).This year: 9.6 per cent; 1996 (the most recent year with which comparisons can be made - England only): 6.2 per cent.

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    Get the picture?


    Get the picture? motorcycle paramedic Andy Whatling puts a new lapel-mounted camera through its paces. The camera relays pictures to other system users via a belt-mounted computer.

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    Staff-side divisions scupper pay talks


    The much-trumpeted opening of talks on the government's proposed pay system for the NHS ended in shambles last week, with no agreed statement or date for further talks.

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    Some winners, some losers, some still waiting


    The distribution of a £60m 'award' for GPs has been agreed by health ministers and the British Medical Association.

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    'Rethink suicide prevention' HAs urged



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    Shake-up for Scottish social care


    The Scottish Office has outlined plans to improve the inspection of residential and nursing homes as part of a white paper on the modernisation of social services.

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    Patient's death was suicide, says jury


    A jury returned a suicide verdict last week at the end of an inquest into the death of Kevin Olley, 26, a patient at Lister Hospital, Stevenage, in April 1998.

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    Light touch


    Light touch: baby Zainab Bharwani and link worker Bimla Karra experience a multi-sensory room at Birmingham Community Children's Centre, while Zainab's mother, Shahnez Miah, looks on. The centre includes a clinic, therapy room, soft play area and facilities for local children and children with special needs.

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    Welcome for report despite 'soundbite' summary


    Managers have welcomed an independent report into Glasgow's Victoria Infirmary while criticising its summary as 'couched in soundbites'.

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    HA slims down to fund PCGs


    A health authority is to disband its commissioning department to fund primary care groups.

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    Days like this


    Internal market attacked as 'Maoist', 'eccentric', 'poorly managed'... true cost of white paper... waiting lists grow

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    Not a bumper year at the top


    news focus

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    Vroom with a view


    Look out at the car park adjoining the admin block of a typical trust and it should be possible to tell which car belongs to which manager. A VW Passat or Landrover Freelander - that will be the chief executive's. BMW 300 Series or Rover 620 - it must be ...

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    Grappling with the F-word


    news focus

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    The costs of change - financial implications of the Fallon recommendations


    The costs of change - financial implications of the Fallon recommendations

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    Nurses' union boss Christine Hancock modestly confides to Monitor the story of a visit to a jazz club when she was 'shoved forward' to take care of a man who had a fit. It's a long time since she practised, so she was relieved to find some 'real nurses' already ...

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    An everyday tale of trust folk, appearing fortnightly