Latest news – Page 2732

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    Brown promises £500m extra for NHS


    Chancellor Gordon Brown saved the announcement of an extra £500m for the NHS until the dying minutes of his Budget speech on Tuesday.

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    Do it yourself:


    patient Kevin Groves (left) helps to do up his own hospital with help from chargehand Nigel Carley.

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    Unison cuts health team as 40 staff go



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    in brief


    The British Medical Association has warned that 'a growing workforce crisis' could leave 350 obstetricians and gynaecologists without NHS contracts in 2001. The BMA's junior doctors committee has asked the Department of Health to fund new consultant posts and wants a 12-month extension on current contracts.

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    Consultants warn of Leeds mental 'crisis'


    Consultant psychiatrists in Leeds have claimed that mental health services have reached a 'critical position' following the withdrawal of £8m regional funding.

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    Call for 'third way' NHS management


    The government needs to find a 'third way' in health management if its reforms are to succeed, a leading think tank has argued.

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    Nurses gain prescribing powers


    Nurses and other health professionals will be given wider powers to prescribe under proposals from the second Crown report into the supply and administration of medicines.

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    'Fragmented' genetic services commissioning is 'wasting cash'


    Specialist commissioning of genetic services could save lives and money, a report has claimed.

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    Mind-blowing: a scan of the brain of artist Jayne Gouge, taken by a magnetic resonance image scanner and superimposed on a family photograph, forms part of an exhibition 'exploring how everyday objects look under the exploratory eye of the MRI scanner'. The 'Chimera' show at London's Institute of Child Health ...

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    McFall 'vision' paper would halve NI trusts


    The number of health and social services trusts would be halved and commissioning handed over to primary care professionals under radical proposals launched by Northern Ireland health minister John McFall.

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    Blood errors spark code call



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    Dyke: 'Patients not to blame for no-shows'


    Three out of four patients who fail to show up for a doctor's appointment do so because of poor communications and management systems, according to a leading government adviser.

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    Days like these


    Reforms not negotiable... Islington 'deplores' white paper... Vulnerable 'will lose out'... Boots' hospital invite... Ambulance tendering

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    Taxing questions


    news focus

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    Under the influence


    news focus

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    Looking to lobby


    Richard Thomas has spent the past two years 'living in a goldfish bowl' of 'intense media interest' in the future of Swansea's troubled Morriston Hospital trust.

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    Counting the cost of care


    Cost of long-term care (£bn)

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    Ian Kelsall


    Background: Worked in Nottingham's bicycle industry before joining the CBI.

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    Richard Thomas


    1975-78 District personnel officer, West Glamorgan health authority.