Latest news – Page 2739

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    Commission to look at public interest watchdog role


    An independent commission has been set up to 'identify the best way to represent the public interest in the health service'.

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    People asked to pay for their own return to practice courses


    The Royal College of Nursing has warned that people who want to return to nursing could be put off by being asked to pay for their own return to practice courses. Health secretary Frank Dobson has said courses should be free and has allocated £4m to cover costs, but the ...

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    Only two PCG chairs to be held by nurses


    Just two of the 481 primary care groups in England are chaired by nurses, it has emerged.

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    AIDS trust attacks HAs in spending row


    English health authorities have been accused of misspending HIV budgets by not following government guidance that at least half should target vulnerable groups.

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    Pilot study predicts clinical staff will face high workloads and pressure


    High workloads may mean 'some personal sacrifice' for clinical members of primary care groups, a study of GP commissioning pilots has warned.

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    Junior doctors spurn abortion


    A pressure group is calling for an overhaul of NHS abortion services in the light of a survey showing that junior doctors may be increasingly unwilling to provide them.

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    Plans to cut Scotland's biggest killers by half


    Deaths from Scotland's two biggest killer diseases should be cut by up to 50 per cent under plans set out in a public health white paper that promises a 'coherent attack' on health inequalities as its 'overarching aim'.

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    Getting into the swing


    It's time the NHS had a national curriculum for management development - but not a staff college, argues Chris Ham

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    And the bands play on


    The NHS pay system is being reformed to allow a combination of national pay spines and locally decided bands. But the success of the scheme will depend crucially on the unions.

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    Which doctors?


    Who will make a good doctor, and how can you tell? With 6,000 extra medical school places opening between now and 2005, selection procedures are under the spotlight. Mark Crail reports

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    Experiencing turbulence


    They may not be under the same do-or-die pressure as their airline counterparts, but health service chief executives are finding their millennium headaches far from over, writes Mark Crail

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    Dangerous precedent


    Home secretary Jack Straw's proposals for locking away people with 'severe personality disorders', in case they commit a crime, have enraged mental health campaigners. Laura Donnelly reports

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    Whole new ball game


    Policies must command respect in the wider community if health service reforms are to work, the IHSM's Scottish conference heard. Barbara Millar reports

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    Recovery positions


    Scotland's public health white paper goes much further than its green paper, writes Mark Crail

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    Aggrieved GPs take a back seat in the new NHS Denham is wise to keep clinicians at arm's length in decision-making


    Health minister John Denham is proving himself a worthy successor to Alan Milburn in his ability to talk nonsense about handing power to GPs, while in practice ensuring that real decision-making rests elsewhere (see news, pages 2-3).

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    Local heroes get stuck in


    What can communities do to improve health? Strong communities are a major goal of the Blair government. Its strategy for public health is organised around a three-way contract between the government, communities and individuals, with responsibilities set out for each. The green paper, Our Healthier Nation, cites neighbourhoods as one ...

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    Portly bearded despot sharpens his clause


    What a week for the oldsters! In the space of a few days they were told by the boffins that they can all soon expect to live to be 130 (grim thought), yet also that some trusts may deny them access to cardiac rehabilitation programmes after a stroke or heart ...

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    I want to tell you a story


    Inviting NHS managers, staff and users to talk about their experiences revealed a culture of frustrated aspirations, bullying and lack of support. Stephen Pattison and colleagues report

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    Out of step


    Joint working will prove a hard road if health and social services fail to recognise their very different cultures, says Annie Phillips