Latest news – Page 2741

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    In brief


    A Consumers' Association report highlighting 'unscrupulous practices' by some slimming clinics, including prescription of inappropriate or dangerous drugs, and failure to inform patients about the side-effects of drugs was noted in an early-day motion signed by 36 MPs, including four members of the health select committee investigating the regulation of ...

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    In brief


    Conservative MP for New Forest East Julian Lewis has urged the government to clarify its mixed-sex wards policy in mental health units. He said that despite ministers' commitment to abolish mixed sex wards, and evidence of abuse of female patients by male patients, official guidance still advised against 'complete segregation' ...

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    Pay proposals spark 'disgust and dismay' among unions


    Battle lines were drawn over the long-awaited proposals for a new pay system for the NHS as soon as health secretary Frank Dobson announced them in the Commons this week.

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    Campaigners slam detention orders


    Proposals to lock up 'dangerous personality disordered individuals' indefinitely - even if they have not committed a crime - have angered mental health experts and human rights campaigners.

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    Elections delay hits public health white paper


    The much-delayed public health white paper could be further held up by elections this summer, HSJ has learned.

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    Concern grows over 'command' culture


    Senior managers have expressed concern about a return to a 'command and control' culture in the new NHS.

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    Territorial Army manoeuvres cause 'conflict' between MoD and NHS


    The Ministry of Defence is risking 'conflict' with the NHS over plans to recruit 2,000 extra doctors and nurses to the Territorial Army, MPs have warned.

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    Ambulance trusts behind in IT bug fight


    Five of England's 36 ambulance trusts are making 'unsatisfactory' progress in mopping up year 2000 computer problems, according to reports from regional directors.

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    Welcome for GMC vote on doctor checks


    The General Medical Council's decision to require doctors to undergo regular checks on their competence has been widely

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    Roylance appeal focuses on 'bias'


    Former Bristol Royal Infirmary chief executive John Roylance has claimed that the General Medical Council's decision to strike him off for failing to stop a series of fatal heart operations on children was 'profoundly unsatisfactory'.

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    Misconduct allegation against trust chief executive


    The chief executive of a Scottish trust has been reported to the General Medical Council.

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    Trusts forced to join risk pooling in crackdown on insurance costs


    The government has decided to push ahead with changes to the way trusts insure themselves against non-clinical risks.

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    BMA accuses police on surgeon contract


    West Midlands Police has come under fire for privatising its police surgeon service.

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    OFT probes 'abuses' by private health firms


    The Office of Fair Trading is investigating a series of allegations about uncompetitive behaviour in private medicine.

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    GP deputising 'failures' added to holiday crisis


    Two studies have been launched into claims that failures in GP deputising services added to pressure on accident and emergency services at Christmas.

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    Final bids invited for NHS Direct


    The NHS Executive has invited bids for the third and final waves of NHS Direct, due to go live in December this year and autumn 2000.

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    Remote control


    It's like Grimsby, but quieter - and there are more penguins. When Derek Muhl upped sticks from Lincolnshire and went to run a hospital in the Falklands, he found that he could do things his way. He talked to Mark Gould

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    Figuring out the problem


    Frank Dobson wants to see the 13 chairs whose health authorities failed to meet cervical screening targets. Barbara Millar reports

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    Empty pocket


    In the second of our occasional series following five PCGs in Enfield and Haringey, Kaye McIntosh finds that the area suffers financially from having a mobile, inner-city population

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    Paper cuts deep on morale


    Mountains of guidance notes will take their toll on weary chief executives