Latest news – Page 2742

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    Doctors button up as wind of change blows through


    Revalidation is in their own interests, as well as their patients'

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    A fatal outbreak of ambition


    'Nurses or wardmaids are much the same as housemaids, and require little teaching other than making poultices,' wrote a former president of the Royal College of Surgeons, John Fleet South, soon after a particularly unpleasant encounter with the indomitable Florence Nightingale. While his views may not necessarily match those of ...

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    Prison is not exactly the most health-promoting environment you might hope for. It can act as a breeding ground for communicable diseases, introduce prisoners to unhealthy practices such as drug use and unsafe sex, and can seriously worsen their mental health.

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    Sainsbury - out for a duck as food debate hots up?


    It was the description of genetically-modified products as being the equivalent of a new wonder-drug which brought me up with a start. 'They're as dangerous as drugs and should be tested with the same rigour as pharmaceuticals,' said someone.

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    HAs' demise greatly exaggerated



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    Divided our 'national' service falls



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    Carry that weight


    From April, chief executives will be responsible to government for clinical services in their trust. What will this new burden mean? Barbara Millar canvasses the opinions of senior managers

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    Preparing for clinical governance: a checklist


    Carry out an organisational stock-take. The trust or primary care group must test the efficacy of current systems that contribute to clinical governance, including clinical audit, risk management, audit of consumer feedback, and the development of clinical leadership skills.

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    Running on empty


    What happens to subscribers when a private health plan company goes bankrupt?

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    Bells ring as NHS Direct contracts go to HBOC


    Four more NHS Direct contracts, worth a total of £2.9m, have gone to market leader HBOC.

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    'Largest' network links acute sites


    North Essex health authority has ordered the largest 'community of interest network' yet to be built in England.

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    Hospital embraces clinical care


    SEMA has launched a hospital information system that it claims will eventually support clinical care as well as patient administration systems.

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    The jury is out


    In 1996 and 1997 the King's Fund and the Institute for Public Policy Research shared sponsorship of citizens' juries set up in six health authorities. Healthy Debate is a comprehensive account of the evaluation, which had three aims: to assess how far juries had enabled local people to become involved ...

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    Regulation issue


    Doctors appear to have escaped the threat of ministerial intervention. Other professions are less fortunate. Pat Healy reports

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    The nursing shake-up


    A new Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Council will replace the UK Central Council and the four national boards governing nurse education. The government is consulting the NHS on three points on how it will work.

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    Stop me if you've heard these before


    Fifty years of the National Health Service Continuities and discontinuities in health policy Edited by Robert Skelton and Valerie Williamson University of Brighton 136 pages £12

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    Carry that weight


    From April, chief executives will be responsible to government for clinical services in their trust. What will this new burden mean? Barbara Millar canvasses the opinions of senior managers

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    Julian Nettel: 'The full story of Bristol has yet to emerge'


    Concept and effect: 'The concept is a good one. But the name masks an almost endless series of questions that will only be answered as we all explore its meaning over time. As for its effect, the scary thing is that no one really knows the outcome of this as ...