Latest news – Page 2746

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    Rational thinking


    Elderly people have always been marginalised in NHS planning. But it's time to question what rationing and prioritising mean for older people, says Dorothy White

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    Over the threshold


    Significant variations between hospitals in the severity of illness of patients admitted suggest it is time to draw up an ideal admissions system, say David Lawrence and colleagues

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    Shift ruling keeps equal opps to the fore


    Two nurses have won an important discrimination claim over changes to work shifts which should remind trusts to keep equal opportunities issues firmly to the forefront when introducing new working patterns.

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    HA's bid to force water fluoridation founders


    Newcastle and North Tyneside health authority has lost a High Court bid to force Northumbrian Water to fluoridate the water of millions of customers.

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    Bristol GMC notes stay secret


    Dr John Roylance, the trust chief executive struck off for serious professional misconduct in the Bristol paediatric heart surgery case, has failed in an unprecedented attempt to obtain access to shorthand notes of confidential deliberations by the General Medical Council.

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    in brief


    Employment lawyers are advising bosses they should consider sacking problem employees sooner rather than later in the light of the government's Fairness at Work Bill. The bill, which was presented to Parliament last month, will make radical reforms to employment law, including lifting the ceiling on compensation for unfair dismissal ...

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    A manager's lot would be greatly improved by a clear way of measuring outcome which shows how their actions impact on health, writes John Appleby

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    in person


    David Watt has become director of nursing at Poole Hospital trust. He has held the post on an acting basis since July 1997.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London, NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Courtin' the middle


    The most uncomfortable job in the managerial hierarchy has to be the middle manager: dumped on by top managers and beset with seemingly impossible objectives on the one hand, and reviled as mere clipboard carriers by those they supervise on the other. An impossible job, and yet no organisation can ...

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    Feeling the squeeze


    Happy with their lot or keen to move on? Janet Snell asked middle managers how they see their role and prospects

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    Lazy days of summer


    It is commonly accepted that winter emergency admissions are a major cause of longer waiting lists. But, argues Neil Pettinger, the truth may have more to do with a slowdown in warmer months

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    We ain't seen nothing yet


    If the government insists on 3 per cent efficiency savings in hospital costs, next winter will be disastrous, says Simon Walford

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    You may think the Commission for Health Improvement does not yet exist. Undaunted by the fact there is as yet no legislation to set it up, that it has no chair, no chief executive, no staff and no budget, the good old Department of Health has decided otherwise. Monitor understands ...

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    On pain of death


    Victims of General Pinochet's regime are among those the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture seeks to help. As the former Chilean dictator waits to hear whether he will be extradited, Wendy Moore reports on its work

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    Ministers armed to enforce those voluntary agreements


    Health Bill gives government a trump card should push come to shove

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    Stand by your beds for chaos


    Big pay rises prove irresistible, but where will the cuts fall?

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    Lessons in market values


    The government's application of 'third way' thinking to the public sector is becoming clearer. At least it is in education , where the private sector is being encouraged, if not actively courted, to apply to provide a range of educational services, run schools and even whole education authorities.

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    'We are seeking a smoke-free facilitator (smoking cessation in NHS settings). The postholder will play a key part in piloting a practical tool kit to enable the delivery of effective smoking cessation interventions in the NHS.'

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    Little 'Red' Riding Hoodwolfs down NHS disquiet


    So now we know. That 'fair and affordable' nurses' pay rise is not the straight 11 per cent all round as cheerfully predicted in The Sun. But nor is it all going to be financed from a raid on Frank Dobson's NHS modernisation fund. It is a lot more complicated ...