Latest news – Page 2748

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    Denham agrees consultation on trust mergers


    Health minister John Denham has given the go-ahead for public consultation on proposals to merge five trusts. Consultation on plans to merge East Yorkshire Hospitals trust and Royal Hull Hospitals trust starts tomorrow. Public consultation on proposals to create a single acute trust for Leicestershire from Glenfield Hospital trust, Leicester ...

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    HA aims to collect data on patients struck off by GPs


    Wigan and Bolton health authority is currently 'in the embryonic stages' of establishing a database to look for trends in cases where patients are struck off GP lists. It is also extending an existing conciliation service to patients who are removed without being given a reason. The moves follow a ...

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    Links between academics and doctors 'essential'


    Strong links between academics and grassroots GPs are 'essential for the future' of general practice, a King's Fund study has concluded. The study found that medical education had 'changed little over the past 100 years', and a new partnership was needed to combat 'falling public confidence' and 'growing responsibilities' for ...

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    Hancock calls for clarity on long-term nursing care


    Royal College of Nursing general secretary Christine Hancock has urged health secretary Frank Dobson to clarify the government's position on funding long-term nursing care.

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    Consultants query intensive care bed figures


    The Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association has claimed that official figures on the availability of intensive care beds may 'grossly under-represent' pressure on bed space. It cites a case in which patients being ventilated in cardiac beds were not included in NHS Executive figures. Former HCSA president Robin Loveday, a ...

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    Medical Defence Union issues advice on IT bug


    The Medical Defence Union has written to members to reinforce advice on dealing with the millennium computer bug. It says doctors should 'assume that anything electronic they use in their practice could become date sensitive on 1 January' and other flashpoints, including 9 September this year and 29 February next ...

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    Jobs warning as shadow PCGs make firstmove to trust status


    Managers and GPs have warned that further 'wholesale reorganisation' and job losses could follow if dozens of primary care groups decide to move towards trust status in 1999.

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    GPs stand firm on board boycott


    Leicestershire health authority has failed to persuade GPs to end their boycott of a primary care group board.

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    Failure to appoint chief blamed on 'low' salary


    Members of one of England's smallest primary care groups are protesting that they have been unable to appoint a chief executive because the health authority is insisting on a salary of just £26,000.

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    Privatisation dispute ends


    An eight-year dispute over privatisation at a Northern Ireland trust has ended with 500 ancillary workers being taken back 'in-house.'

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    Staff shortage survey to resolve 'stupid' debates


    Health secretary Frank Dobson will ask the NHS to conduct an official, open survey of staff shortages by the end of the financial year to resolve 'stupid disputes' between management and staff over figures.

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    Days like this


    The launch of Working for Patients . . . Cook sceptical. . . HA chairs 'delighted'. . . 'right-wing nonsense'. . .King's Fund warning

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    Schism at the IHSM


    Karen Caines says her successor as IHSM director should be someone who 'doesn't mind being slagged off '. But what measures should be used to assess their performance if membership and money are ruled out? Mark Crail reports

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    Sound post


    In the second of an occasional series on the progress of Plymouth's health action zone, Laura Donnelly finds that the pressure to deliver means targets are not always as radical as they might be

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    Karen Caines: punishing schedule


    Karen Caines had everything you might look for in an IHSM director: a razor-sharp intellect, inside knowledge of the workings of government at its highest levels from her time as a Department of Health civil servant and experience as a senior NHS manager.

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    Arousing debate


    The government's plans to limit prescribing of Viagra have raised questions about the powers of the new National Institute for Clinical Excellence, writes Kaye McIntosh

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    Prescription for conflict


    West Hertfordshire health authority chief executive Carolyn Regan has good reason to hope that the National Institute for Clinical Excellence will help managers fend off accusations of rationing.

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    Out of kilter


    Scotland has a new strategy for mentally disordered offenders. Barbara Millar reports

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    What the new strategy says


    Sam Galbraith's strategy for dealing with mentally disordered offenders has messages for all agencies - courts, prison, police, social work departments, health boards and trusts - involved with mentally disordered offenders.

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    Standing back from the wilder allegations

