Latest news – Page 2760

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    Smooth operators


    pre-admission clinics; Assessing patients in a pre-admission clinic for elective surgery has cut last-minute cancellations and reduced patient anxiety. Angela Stokes- Roberts explains

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    Key points


    A nurse-led clinic providing assessments for surgical patients before their admission has proved popular with patients and staff.

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    Disease diagnosed


    Epidemiology kept simple An introduction to classical and modern epidemiology By Burt Gerstman Wiley 301 pages £25.95

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    Memory lane and the road to the NHS


    The Aneurin Bevan inheritance The story of the Nevill Hall and District NHS Trust By Gareth Jones Old Bakehouse Publications Tregraig Press 240 pages £20

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    How to win friends and manage people


    Managing people By Jane and Chris Churchhouse Gower 224 pages £18.99

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Getting the needle:


    acupuncture clinic assistant Lin Auldcroft undergoes her own therapy at North Manchester Health Care trust.

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    PCG differences 'could recreate inequalities of fundholding era'


    Primary care groups risk recreating the inequalities of fundholding, researchers have warned.

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    Health groups' pay guidance 'divisive'


    Guidance on payment levels for local health group members in Wales has been dubbed 'divisive' and given a mixed reception by managers' and doctors' leaders.

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    Male managers 'thwarting workplace nurseries boon'


    The NHS could save up to £51m a year by introducing family-friendly policies such as workplace nurseries, which would also encourage more women staff to stay in their jobs or return after having babies, says a survey.

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    Trust cleared in 999 tape probe


    A police inquiry has cleared an ambulance trust of allegations that a tape of a 999 call was tampered with.

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    Bunker mentality


    The DoH rebuttal unit is a potential flashpoint for government media relations. Mark Crail explains how it works

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    Roll over Romola


    news focus; Can the DoH's new communications chief ensure that the NHS gets its message across without accusations of political bias? Patrick Butler went to meet her

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    Good communications The Helen McCallum guide


    'Communications isn't rocket science. For an organisation, presenting itself and explaining itself is exactly the same as for an individual. I have relationships with lots of people based partly on who I am, partly on what I say, partly on how I present myself and partly on how I explain ...

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    Hitting the bottle


    Violent attacks are down 20 per cent in Cardiff and the city's achievements could be a template for other trouble hotspots,

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    Goal difference


    The Treasury wants the NHS to find another £1bn a year in efficiency savings. More money for the front line or just scraping the barrel, wonders Lyn Whitfield

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    staffing; Night nurse clinicians can reduce junior doctors' work, giving them more sleep, and also assist nurses. Barbara Jack and Trish Prescott report on how one hospital has benefited from providing a nightly service

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    Campaign heralds crackdown on racial harassment


    Short cuts