Latest news – Page 2766

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    Back-injury case paves way for delayed claims


    legal briefing

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    Trust faces pay-out for death of heart patient


    Norfolk and Norwich Health Care trust faces a fine of more than £20,000 after admitting breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act, causing the death of a patient.

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    Mediation's time has come


    Is there a message for the NHS in the agreement by 14 insurers in the professional indemnity field to use mediation rather than litigation to settle claims when possible?

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    in brief


    Applicants who are refused legal aid in medical negligence cases will be able to have the merits of their case reviewed by the charity Action for Victims of Medical Accidents under new arrangements being introduced by the Legal Aid Board. AVMA will draw up an independent report, to be available ...

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    in person


    Royal Berkshire Ambulance trust also has two new non-executive directors. They are Kenrick Sealy, a management consultant and nurse adviser, and Ian Mihell, a retired local authority manager.

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    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has announced a £700,000 increase in funding for Scotland's air ambulance service. It will get two new helicopters and more paramedics to extend cover for remote and rural communities from 10 hours a day to 24.

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    Reconfiguration to slash Welsh trusts


    Welsh secretary Alun Michael has announced that the number of Welsh trusts will be slashed from 26 to 16 on 1 April.

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    Research warns over PCG size


    Primary care groups covering 100,000 patients may be too big to produce the loyalty and cohesion needed for an innovative, locally focused service, a report on a flagship total purchasing project has concluded.

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    Central support available for PCGs if HA liabilities threaten


    Central support will be available 'in exceptional cases' to ensure primary care groups are not knocked off course by 'unacceptably high' health authority liabilities.

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    Tobacco white paper focuses on preventing child smoking


    New measures to try to prevent children starting to smoke were expected to be outlined today in the government's long-awaited tobacco white paper.

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    Huge NI hospital shake-up in bid to secure future of acute service


    A radical shake-up of Northern Ireland's hospitals has been launched by the government in a bid to end uncertainty about the future of acute services.

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    Chiefs' pay rises crash through limit


    Northern Ireland health minister John McFall has ordered a review of trust chief executives' pay after annual reports disclosed that 16 out of 20 have received increases exceeding government guidelines.

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    Winyard in 'take care' message


    NHS Executive medical director Graham Winyard has urged health service managers to take better care of their own health.

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    Putting it Right: the proposals


    12 local hospitals providing day surgery, outpatient and diagnostic services, a local accident unit, telemedicine and GP beds.

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    Open meetings must not become 'cosmetic'


    Guidance setting out the detail of health secretary Frank Dobson's determination to 'end excessive secrecy in the NHS' says trust and health authority boards must not allow open meetings to become a 'cosmetic exercise'.

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    2000 events test 999 services


    Emergency services and hospitals in London will have to cope with 'around 1,000 millennium events', the government has warned.

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    where are they now? No 92 PFI guidance Pocket profile:


    A 'book of instructions' for NHS managers 'on how to do' private finance initiative projects.

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    Social graces


    news focus

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    Modernising Social Services: the response


    Bill Kilgallon, chair of Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust, and former chair of Leeds city council social services committee

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    Praise be


    Delegates at the Healthcare Financial Management Association's annual conference heard health minister Alan Milburn extol the virtues of finance staff, while emphasising their 'key role' in the year ahead. Lyn Whitfield reports