Latest news – Page 2768

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    End of an era


    Thousands of Asian doctors who came to Britain in the 1960s and 1970s are about to retire, with huge implications for general practice. Jo Carlowe reports

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    Racist attack leaves GP shaken


    Sajal Sengupta is 60 and a GP in Ferndale, Mid Glamorgan. His story is typical of many Asian doctors who arrived in Britain as part of the

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    Desert rush


    medical staffing

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    'A sad attitude to part-time workers'


    Introducing more flexible work arrangements is recognised as an important step to tackle recruitment and retention problems.

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    Stop the exodus


    The BMA's campaign calls on the government to:

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    in person


    Catherine Gaskell, senior nurse manager for perinatal services at Bethlem and Maudsley trust, has been appointed executive nurse for City and Hackney Community Services trust.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Report urges caution on revamped charter


    The patient's charter is 'flawed and constraining' and the government should consider carefully what it aims to achieve with a replacement, a King's Fund report has concluded.

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    MPs told of new need for doctors


    MPs have been warned that the European working time directive will create additional demand for extra doctors.

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    Patients' deaths spark call for swift action on hospital suicides


    The National Schizophrenia Fellowship has called for action to 'stem the flow of hospital suicides' in the wake of two reports into 13 patient deaths at neighbouring trusts.

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    Finance staff training scheme hits the road


    Up to 16,000 NHS finance staff will be offered training to help them cope with the government's sweeping health service reforms.

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    Dorrell had 'time of stress' over CJD


    Former Conservative health secretary Stephen Dorrell told the BSE inquiry this week that he experienced a 'time of stress' during intense media speculation about new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

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    Report identifies 'bottlenecks' in Scottish A&E


    Recommendations to streamline the admission and discharge of emergency patients were made this week by the Accounts Commission for Scotland.

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    The Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill,


    The Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill, designed to make it easier for hospitals to recover charges for treating road accident victims from insurance companies, has been published. It would also abolish the rarely collected £21.30 emergency treatment fee and replace other levies with a £354 charge for accident and emergency ...

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    Goodbye to all that


    news focus

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    Money talk


    Sir Donald Acheson's '39 steps' to reduce health inequalities have not been costed. But they point clearly to a need to increase spending - particularly on benefits. Mark Crail reports

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    Top three priorities


    All government policies likely to have a direct or indirect effect on health should be evaluated in terms of their impact on health inequalities, and should favour the less well-off. High priority should be given to policies aimed at improving health and reducing health inequalities in women of childbearing age, ...

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    Recommendations for the NHS


    Equitable access to effective care in relation to need should be a governing principle of all NHS policies. Priority should be given to achieving equity in service planning, implementation and delivery at all levels. Specifically:

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    Bridge over troubled waters


    Relations between the NHS and the local council in Solihull were difficult - but the borough now has a joint public health director. Laura Donnelly reports