Latest news – Page 2769

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    Altered States


    Finance managers who went on a study tour to the US say primary care groups can learn from moves away from market criteria in contract setting. Mark Crail reports

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    Group practice makes perfect


    'The shifting organisational pattern of doctors may be the key to the fortune of health policy in the US'

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    Just six years after the economist, Thomas Robert Malthus, published his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, the number of people in the world passed 1 billion.

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    Heading to come


    For some of us old enough to remember the suppression of the Black report on inequalities in health back in 1980, the publication of former chief medical officer Sir Donald Acheson's son of Black report felt a bit like the arrest of General Pinochet - long overdue revenge on behalf ...

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    Black cloud casts shadow over a toothless Acheson Report blows opportunity to create touchstone for measuring inequality


    If Sir Donald Acheson had been called on to write Labour's election manifesto before the 1997 campaign, it is certain that prime minister Tony Blair would have fought on a more radical and redistributive - perhaps even socialist - platform than anything put forward by his party for many years ...

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    Head to come This blurb


    All leave is hereby cancelled, Territorial Army and Red Cross members are urged to contact their organisations, triage centres are to be set up at known trouble spots, and routine work will be wound down to cope with an anticipated three or fourfold increase in casualties. As the millennium approaches, ...

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    Complaints convenors are strictly impartial - despite what CHCs say


    Wendy Goodwin and Tracy Steward (Letters, 5 November) would have us believe that the vast bulk of people who resort to the NHS complaints procedures are disillusioned about getting an impartial hearing.

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    Personnel tips for GPs


    The director of pay and workforce research, John Northrop, was incorrect when he said: 'HR practices in general practice are non-existent,' (News Focus, page 11, 1 October).

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    Health visitors


    There can be no doubt that the role of the health visitor has long been the subject of debate, but your report describing the 'enormous implications' of the Supporting Families green paper demonstrates once again the ignorance surrounding the role of the health visitor (News, page 7, 12 November).

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    Therapeutic communities offer a philosophy for those with untreatable behavioural problems


    In response to Dr Griffiths' letter on treating personality disorder (12 November), it is all too easy to blame politicians.

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    Community midwives visit for the first 10 days after birth and then hand over to the health visitor for the notification visit (the only one for which they have legal right of entry).


    Community midwives visit for the first 10 days after birth and then hand over to the health visitor for the notification visit (the only one for which they have legal right of entry).

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    'Tis the season for the NHS to make some creative seasonal adjustments and avoid predictable crises


    'Tis the season for the NHS to make some creative seasonal adjustments and avoid predictable crises

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    Short cuts Widdecombe makes waves over Blair 'turbulence'


    Shadow health secretary Ann Widdecombe has accused prime minister Tony Blair of breaking a pre-election promise to managers that Labour would not cause major upheavals in the NHS. In a debate on the Queen's speech, she said the government's health proposals would cause 'top to bottom turbulence in our health ...

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    Short cuts Scottish residential care still moving to community


    Scottish office statistics published last week show a continued move away from hospital to community-based residential care. The number of places for geriatric assessment and long-stay care, people with learning disabilities, mental health patients and psychogeriatric patients in NHS hospitals decreased by 1,500 in 1997 to 21,000, while the number ...

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    Short cuts Midwives recommend HIV test for pregnant women


    The Royal College of Midwives has recommended that all pregnant women should be offered HIV testing and that testing should be recommended in areas where rates of infection are high. The recommendations are made in a leaflet produced with the Department of Health, launched by the RCM and public health ...

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    Short cuts Complaints system tender winners announced


    The NHS Executive has announced that the tender for the contract to evaluate the NHS complaints procedure has been won by the London Health and Economics Consortium (part of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Public Attitude Surveys Ltd and the King's Fund. The research will look at ...

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    Short cuts Scope backs disablement services authority call


    One of the UK's largest disability organisations has backed a disability consortium calling for the government to establish a disablement services authority. Scope has supported a campaign run by emPOWER, which says an authority would 'address significant and expensive variations in the quality and distribution of NHS disablement services', such ...

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    Short cuts RCN secures £350,000 for nurse injured at work


    The Royal College of Nursing has secured an out of court settlement of £350,000 for former nurse biological science tutor Carole Webster, who was left disabled by an accident at St Bartholomew's and Princess Alexandra and Newham College of Nursing in 1993. A stiff door suddenly stopped, forcing her to ...

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    Short cuts 24-hour helpline aims to fill housing advice gap


    Thousands of people every year suffer homelessness because they get bad advice or none at all, according to a report by Shelter based on a survey of more than 1,200 people. The report marks the launch today of Shelterline, a 24-hour housing helpline. It can be contacted on 0808-800 4000.