Latest news – Page 2770

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    Short cuts RCN secures £350,000 for nurse injured at work


    The Royal College of Nursing has secured an out of court settlement of £350,000 for former nurse biological science tutor Carole Webster, who was left disabled by an accident at St Bartholomew's and Princess Alexandra and Newham College of Nursing in 1993. A stiff door suddenly stopped, forcing her to ...

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    Short cuts 24-hour helpline aims to fill housing advice gap


    Thousands of people every year suffer homelessness because they get bad advice or none at all, according to a report by Shelter based on a survey of more than 1,200 people. The report marks the launch today of Shelterline, a 24-hour housing helpline. It can be contacted on 0808-800 4000.

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    Fund urges realism on revamped charter


    The Patient's Charter is 'flawed and constraining', and the government should consider carefully what it aims to achieve with a replacement, a King's Fund report has concluded.

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    MPs told of new need for doctors


    MPs have been warned that the European working time directive will create additional demand for extra doctors.

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    on the record


    TOM JONES is director and co-founder of MJM Healthcare Solutions Mental Health Strategies. He is also spokesman for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He was formerly director of finance and information at Herefordshire health authority.

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    Private hospital use could affect HA money, says Acheson report


    Health authority cash allocations could be adjusted to take account of the use people make of private hospitals, according to the most far- reaching report on health inequalities for a generation.

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    Dobson faces calls for 999 'tampering' inquiry


    A government minister is calling for health secretary Frank Dobson to order an inquiry into allegations that a recording of a 999 call was tampered with.

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    Ambulance response time probe ordered after staff allegations


    An investigation is under way into the performance of East Anglian Ambulance trust.

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    Ministers lay plans to savage fundholding if bill is delayed


    Ministers have drawn up contingency plans to emasculate GP fundholding in case the bill to abolish the scheme fails to become law by 31 March next year.

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    First phase of Read review begins


    The independent review of the Read clinical codes programme has begun, and the results of the first phase should be published at the end of this month.

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    Acheson report demands action on inequalities


    Former chief medical officer Sir Donald Acheson was today due to call for action across government departments to reduce health inequalities.

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    Anger at pay freeze for senior managers


    Unions have described a pay freeze for senior NHS managers as a 'slap in the face' for the people 'asked to deliver the most fundamental changes in decades'.

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    Commissioner points to 'early warning role'


    The health service commissioner's first report covering clinical complaints has highlighted the office's potential role as an 'early warning system'.

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    NHS legal advice of 'varied' quality


    The quality of legal advice offered to health authorities and trusts dealing with medical negligence claims is 'varied', according to Steve Walker, chief executive of the NHS Litigation Authority.

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    Former minister calls for CJD compensation


    Victims of the human form of 'mad cow' disease should be paid compensation for their suffering, a former health minister has told the BSE inquiry.

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    Donation rates linked with role of transplant co-ordinators


    The role, recruitment and training of transplant co-ordinators must be reviewed if the availability of organs for donation is to be standardised across the UK, according to a report from the British Transplantation Society.

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    £155m hospital for Bromley


    Contracts have been signed for the ninth major hospital to be built under the private finance initiative. Building work on a £155m hospital for Bromley will start shortly.

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    2000 bug compliance work sparks IT crash


    A major teaching hospital was forced to implement its 'internal disaster plan' after work to tackle the year 2000 computer problem caused a telecommunications crash.

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    BMA emphasises retraining after Milburn's performance warning


    The British Medical Association has reacted stiffly to warnings from health minister Alan Milburn that professional self-regulation is 'under test' in the wake of well publicised scandals.

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    Guidance brings in 48-hour week as exempt junior doctors fight on


    Guidance on how the European working-time directive will affect the NHS was published last week amid a growing row about plans to extend the rules to junior doctors.