Latest news – Page 2772

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    Research on employee involvement schemes


    I am researching the relationship between employee involvement schemes and employee commitment in a large NHS trust for an MA in industrial relations with labour law at Manchester Metropolitan University.

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    Chance to influence NHS pension strategies


    The NHS pension scheme is the largest in the country, and possibly in western Europe, with 1.5 million members, 11,500 employers and annual membership contributions of £1.5bn.

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    Adding clarity to the picture of deprivation


    It was good to see the prominent and helpful coverage you gave to the issue of deprivation and ill health in Scotland, based around our recent publication ('Poor health', News Focus, 22 October).

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    Exposed to poisonous pleasure


    Martin Ball has overlooked the strong evidence linking passive smoking with coronary heart disease, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, conjunctivitis and the myriad of other respiratory, inflammatory and allergic conditions that bring so much pain, suffering, misery and cost to the unwary, uninformed or simply vulnerable individuals who are exposed to the ...

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    Passive smoking 'hoax' stinks


    Tobacco debate

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    Separate ways


    Will devolution mean an end to a truly national health service? Paul Jervis and Robert Hazell examine the possibilities

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    Key points


    Devolution will bring health policy under the democratic control of the directly elected Scottish parliament and Welsh assembly.

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    The Barnett formula: fair shares for all?


    There are a number of possible post-devolution tensions. As always, money is likely to be an issue. Total funding for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is determined by the Barnett formula, which was intended to bring about a gradual convergence in per capita funding of public services in the different ...

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    Time bomb


    primary care; GPs' night visits are more strongly influenced by the fees they are paid than by patients' needs, argues Steve Ainsworth

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    Evening all


    Public health; Setting targets to reduce health inequalities is a considerable challenge. And the public still needs convincing that local action can make any difference at all.

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    Buyer's market


    Books; Managing public involvement in healthcare purchasing By Carol Lupton, Stephen Peckham and Pat Taylor Open University Press 176 pages £16.99

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    Pulling out all the stops


    Health matters Sociology of illness, prevention and care Edited by Alan Peterson and Charles Waddell Open University Press 384 pages £16.99

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    Empathy is the enemy of the lawyer's bill


    Trusts and contracts By Andrew Coulson The Policy Press 318 pages £16.99

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    Right-on rude boy who left MPs all shook up


    Westminster diary; By Patrick Butler

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    Wider Lib-Lab remit hints at joint health policy


    Tony Blair and Paddy Ashdown's decision to widen the remit of the co-operation between their two parties has given rise to speculation that Labour and the Liberal Democrats might at some stage work together on health policy.

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    In brief


    Ministers are to issue guidelines to 'ensure greater national consistency in the uptake' of the controversial multiple sclerosis drug beta interferon. The government was responding to pressure from MPs and patients' groups over inconsistencies in the availability of the drug. Harry Barnes, MP for North East Derbyshire, claimed that only ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254. E-m

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    Monitor always suspected it, but now the truth emerges - the Department of Health press office is indeed a branch of the British fiction industry. Baffled by the fact that the DoH web site's otherwise excellent press release database had enormous gaps - about one in five of the sequentially ...

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    26 November 1948


    When re-planning the hospital feeding service, staff should not be forgotten. It is often inadequate to their requirements, as many of them are still growing.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.