Latest news – Page 2775

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    The price of false prophecy


    'The cancer industry provides much advocacy and little evidence of cost-effectiveness...

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    London's 32 boroughs spent an estimated £126m on mental health services in 1997-98 - more than the combined total for all other metropolitan districts, and almost a quarter of the entire local government spend on such services across the whole of England and Wales.

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    Showing a flicker of life but firing blanks at Dobbo


    There are weeks when you wonder how long it will take the Tories to get their act together after the collective nervous breakdown they inflicted on themselves in the mid 1990s. 'I go canvassing - the voters still hate us, don't they?' a former Downing Street official confided at a ...

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    Short cuts Welsh waiting list figures show 'downward trend'


    Figures released by the Government Statistical Service show that the number of Welsh residents waiting for hospital admission on 30 September was 74,269 - down 1,747 on 31 August. Welsh health minister Jon Owen Jones welcomed the 'positive downward trend' but condemned as 'completely unacceptable' a further rise in the ...

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    Short cuts Solihull's public health director is joint appointment


    Solihull health authority and Solihull metropolitan borough council have appointed a joint director of public health. Andrew Richardson, previously director of commissioning/consultant in public health medicine with Worcestershire HA, has taken up the post, thought to be the first joint appointment of its kind in the country. HA chief executive ...

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    Short cuts Central Scotland 'over-payment' inquiry reports


    An independent inquiry into allegations of over-payments to senior managers at Central Scotland Healthcare trust is due to hand its findings to the trust board and the procurator fiscal. Trust chief executive Derek Pollacchi has been suspended on full pay since July, when internal auditors highlighted 'areas of concern'.

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    Short cuts Move to deregister 'failing' consultants delayed


    The General Medical Council has delayed a decision on setting up a scheme to remove consultants who fail regular competency tests from the specialist register. But the GMC is to press on with plans to make all doctors demonstrate that they are keeping themselves up to date and are still ...

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    Short cuts NHS acts to defuse GP telephone advice fees row


    The NHS Executive has issued guidance to resolve a row with GPs over payment for telephone advice. Health authorities were told not to pay for telephone consultations in February, prompting anger among GPs in areas with large numbers of temporary residents. The new guidance says fees should be paid and ...

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    Short cuts 'Institutional barriers' undermine partnerships


    Partnerships between the NHS and local authorities are frequently undermined by 'institutional barriers and insensitive management', according to a report from Manchester Business School, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council's management innovation programme. It says managers and politicians need to 'move towards a more democratic form of government', ...

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    Short cuts Durham trust launches learning disabilities charter


    Durham County Priority Services trust has launched a charter for patients and carers using its learning disabilities services. The charter, launched by the Bishop of Durham, sets out rights and standards that can be expected.

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    Lawyers at large


    The legal and ethical aspects of telemedicine By BA Stanberry Royal Society of Medicine Press 172 pages £19.99

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    The talking cure for poor performance


    Counselling for managers By Nigel MacLennan Gower 296 pages £24.99

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    Pluralist approach to the promotion race


    Evaluating health promotion Edited by Scott and Weston Stanley Thornes 168 pages £18

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    Theatre people


    Cutting waiting lists depends on high levels of overtime by operating theatre staff, but this is no long-term solution to persistent shortages. Jonathan Edgar and colleagues report on a survey

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    A life in the theatre: survey results


    All but one of the trusts identified current nursing and operating department assistant staff vacancies in their theatres. The number of vacancies reported ranged from four to 26 - equivalent to 10 per cent overall.

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    Hit or myth


    It is a myth that managers motivate their staff. Surely, says Robert Keys, it's the other way round

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    Knowing who's boss


    Is hierarchy the natural order for organisations or can a looser structure be just as effective? Andrew Wall examines the options

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    Take it from the top: Janet Snell gathers a range of views from health managers


    Philip Sands, director of corporate strategy, Calderdale and Kirklees health authority

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    Reverse charges


    No one knows what effect primary care groups will have on prescribing costs. But Frances Wilson explains how one health authority reversed a drugs overspend

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    Tailoring expected in guidance on working time for NHS managers


    The NHS Executive is expected to recommend that all health service managers should be covered by the European working time directive, on which an advance letter is due next Thursday.