Latest news – Page 2778

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    Short cuts The Long-term Medical Conditions Alliance


    The Long-term Medical Conditions Alliance has been awarded nearly £170,000 by the national lottery to support development work with member organisations, one third of whom rely on volunteers and trustees to keep running. The grant is for three years.

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    Short cuts Coventry health authority


    Coventry health authority has launched a public awareness campaign on the health promotion role of community pharmacists. The campaign will encourage people to seek advice from pharmacists on a wide range of issues including medicines, minor ailments, healthy eating, sexual healthy, physical activity and giving up smoking. The HA points ...

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    Short cuts Trainee respiratory staff


    Trainee respiratory staff are being offered bursaries of £750 towards the cost of attending next year's European Respiratory Society conference in Madrid, or the American Thoracic Society conference in California. Details from Sheila Edwards, chief executive, British Thoracic Society, 6th floor, North Wing, New Garden House, 78 Hatton Garden, London ...

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    Short cuts Community nurses


    Community nurses can reach socially excluded people which other health services can't, according to Rabbi Julia Neuberger. 'They can provide quality health care to homeless people, travelling families and refugees - many of whom have little contact with mainstream health services until they become dangerously unwell,' she told a joint ...

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    Short cuts Professor Allen Hutchinson


    Professor Allen Hutchinson, director of public health at Sheffield University's school of health, is to chair the government's working group on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which was announced in July. It will produce advice on clinical management of the illness. There will also be a sub- group on children.

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    Short cuts Edinburgh Healthcare


    Edinburgh Healthcare NHS Trust is investing £1 million in setting up a 16 bed nursing home, in the grounds of Corstorphine hospital and run and staffed by the NHS, to provide accommodation for people with learning disabilities who are moving out of Gogarurn hospital, which is due to close in ...

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    Short cuts Five million people suffer back pain


    Five million people suffer back pain in the UK, costing the NHS £193m a year to treat, members of theEuropean Parliament heard at a launch by the European Federation of Pain Societies last week. The Federation has drawn up guidelines for effective pain management and wants more statistics on chronic ...

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    Short cuts Improved surveillance


    Improved surveillance and reporting of foodborne viral infection, along with good hygiene practice, are called for in a report from the Departments of Health and Agriculture. Report by the Advisory Committee on Microbiolical Safety of Food, £17.50, Stationery Office.

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    Short cuts Although most motorcyclists underestimate the risks of an accident


    Although most motorcyclists underestimate the risks of an accident, younger inexperienced riders see themselves at more risk, accordiing to a report in the British Journal of Psychology. Death or injury to a friend or relative increased their perception of risk.

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    Take a risk, share the vision


    At last we can begin to distinguish the mental health wood from the policy trees. The new values are 'safe, sound and supportive', and this encapsulates a range of priorities.

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    Funny old thing, coincidence. Barely had this column yoked Paul Boateng's name with that of Alun Michael in the 'Michael Stone' policy debate last week than fate linked them via Ron Davies's ill-fated stroll on Clapham Common. Minister B took minister M's job at the Home Office when he moved ...

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    In Whitehall, agriculture minister Jack Cunningham sits with his colleagues, peering over his new ministerial red boxes. Unlike the previous government, this one 'will publish any report on public health immediately it comes to us', he promises, the shiny novelty of high office not yet having worn off.

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    The times they are a-changin'


    The working time directive will cost the NHS millions and impose heavy new responsibilities on employers. John Northrop and Keith Hearn explain

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    How will the regulations be enforced?


    The regulations on working time, night work limits and health assessments in hospitals will be enforced by the Health and Safety Executive. The HSE will bring cases before a magistrates' court or crown court. In most cases, employers will receive an improvement notice giving them a minimum of three weeks ...

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    Action points for employers


    Establish which employees the regulations apply to, especially those who do not provide a 'continuous service' or are not directly involved in patient care.

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    Want to know about 'Ann's secret passion', as Monitor's favourite magazine headlines its exclusive two-page spread on our dear friend Ann Widdecombe? Let Cat World's November issue reveal all. 'Animals have always played a large part in my life,' says the woman who shares the Tory front bench with the ...

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    Hospital beds


    The UK has been losing more beds than almost every other OECD country since 1979. John Appleby says that throughput could now compromise quality of care

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    Doctors to lose merit cash for misconduct


    Top hospital doctors face the loss of distinction awards worth up to £56,000 a year if the conduct of their personal or professional lives 'undermines confidence' in the system, guidance issued to the NHS this week confirms.

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    DoH circular will encourage joint work by health and social services to protect children in care


    The Department of Health is about to issue a circular telling health authorities and trusts how to work with local authorities to improve services for children in need or in care.

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    National cost index sparks controversy


    Managers leading trusts named as the most expensive in the country have accused league tables published this week of not comparing like with like.