Latest news – Page 2779

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    Ombudsman in call for more payouts to complainants


    Health service commissioner Michael Buckley has said he would like to see more financial compensation paid to patients whose complaints about the NHS are upheld.

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    Chancellor finds extra £250m to cope with winter pressures


    Chancellor Gordon Brown found an extra £250m 'winter cash' for the NHS in his pre-budget statement on Tuesday.

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    MPs act on 'missing link' between managersds; MPs act after evidence of 'poor communication' across the NHS


    MPs are to tackle 'poor communication' between managers and frontline clinical staff in a wide-ranging inquiry into the NHS workforce.

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    Researchers warn of 'gardening leave' rise


    Researchers have warned that a major government review of procedures for suspending doctors must look at the rising use of 'informal' suspensions as well as the formal disciplinary process.

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    The Government's policy of charging for some social care services might be reviewed if it could be proved that charging was 'cost ineffective,' a senior Department of Health official has suggested.

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    Health secretary Frank Dobson last week promised to publish figures on the number of assaults on staff when he launched a joint campaign to stamp out violence in the NHS.

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    Roof delays threaten Isle of Wight services


    Ministers have been attacked for delays in approving a £25m package of repairs to a 'flagship' hospital which had been hailed as an example of ground-breaking architecture.

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    HA in data protection probe


    Leicestershire health authority may face investigation by the Data Protection Registrar after allegations that a university obtained names and addresses from its confidential patient database.

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    Strategy fears as MPs shuffle


    The departure of junior health minister Paul Boateng from the Department of Health in the wake of the Ron Davies scandal has raised concerns about the future of the government's new mental health strategy, due to be announced next week.

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    Clinical governance needs 'extra powers'


    Only six per cent of top healthcare professionals are confident that managers have 'sufficient powers' over healthcare teams to tackle poor clinical practice.

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    Call to end rationing in ovarian chemotherapy


    More than 100 MPs have backed calls for urgent action to give equal access to the most effective chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer after a survey alleged most health authorities are rationing the treatment.

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    Why do patients die?


    Too little has been done to discover the reasons for perioperative deaths, says a report published this week. Lynn Eaton looks at how that is set to change

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    Barred from help


    The Michael Stone case underlined the link between mental illness and crime, but what can be done to help ex-offenders with psychiatric problems? Lynn Eaton reports

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    Fall from grace?


    Do recent incidents mean Victoria Infirmary trust in Glasgow deserves the attentions of a clinical inquiry 'hit squad' any more than other trusts? Barbara Millar says opinion is divided

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    Care propellers


    The Dutch are driving forward ambitious, if underfunded, plans for a national, integrated network of trauma care - complete with helicopters. Tony Sheldon reports

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    The support group


    Derek McLean, medical director of Dundee Teaching Hospitals trust, is to chair the support group to review patient care at the Victoria Infirmary. Other members:

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    Boning up on London's past


    The Museum of London's new exhibition tells the capital's history through the remains of its ancestors. Mark Crail found it fascinating

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    Boning up on London's past


    The Museum of London's new exhibition tells the capital's history through the remains of its ancestors. Mark Crail found it fascinating

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    Boning up on London's past


    The Museum of London's new exhibition tells the capital's history through the remains of its ancestors. Mark Crail found it fascinating

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    Ahead of the field


    Are the health needs of people who live in the countryside on the government's agenda at last? Janet Snell reports on a recent forum