Latest news – Page 2781

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    100m a year 'wasted' on prescriptions for drug treatments 'of doubtful value'


    The NHS is wasting more than 100m a year on prescriptions for drugs 'of doubtful value' to patients, according to the doctors' prescribing bible.

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    HAs and trusts failing to act on guidelines for breast cancer


    English health authorities and trusts are failing to meet NHS Executive guidelines on breast cancer treatment according to a survey commissioned by MPs.

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    Unions will scrutinise PFI firms' track record


    Health minister Alan Milburn has issued details of a 'three-point plan' to 'better protect staff' involved in private finance initiative projects.

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    Transport guide aims to stall the car


    A 'healthy transport toolkit' has been issued to trust and health authority chief executives in a bid to cut the number of NHS staff using cars to get to work.

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    Where are they now?


    No 89 John Bowis Pocket profile

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    Imagine the surprise of HSJ reader Darren Archer when he came across one of those NHS 50th birthday 50p pieces while visiting London. Well, how many have you seen? Imagine his further surprise when he tried to use it to pay his bus fair to Westminster, only to be told, ...

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    29 October 1948


    A gastro-enteritis flying squad has been set up by Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children. It is available for any hospital which finds itself in difficulties; it is staffed by trained nurses and headed by a doctor specialising in the work. The squad will come fully equipped, and is ...

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    In our haste to find a consensus, let us not sacrifice real accountability

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    Shift workers


    The debate about power, responsibility and accountability between chief executives and consultants has been raging ever since the changes in the structure and organisation of the NHS first carried out in response to the Girths reforms in the late 1980s. The new doctrine of clinical governance will effect a fundamental ...

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    In the firing line


    Decades of service to the NHS are no longer any protection against redundancy. And many managers feel they have been poorly treated in the process. Barbara Millar reports.

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    Four times unlucky


    'Squeezed' and then pushed out

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    In 22 years' work in human resources, Ian Chalmers has been made redundant four times. Three of those occasions came when he was working for private sector companies. He has also seen his employment in the NHS threatened twice by organisational change.

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    Opportunities knock


    If the NHS really is an equal opportunities employer, surely it is unnecessary to say so in job advertisements, argues Steve Ainsworth

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    In person


    Jonathan Montgomery has been appointed chair of Southampton Community Health Services trust. He is a reader in healthcare law at Southampton University and has been a non-executive director of the trust since its formation in 1992.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    Review shows most people against limiting NHS


    Most people in Britain oppose moves to limit the NHS to a 'safety-net service', according to a review published by the King's Fund.

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    Prescriptions top 2 million each working day


    The Prescription Pricing Authority dealt with more than 2 million prescriptions on each working day of the 1997-98 financial year, according to its annual report. The number of prescriptions rose by just under 4 per cent to 504 million, with each patient obtaining an average of nearly 10 prescriptions over ...

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    Nutrition of elderly people improved over 25 years


    The first national dietary survey of the over-65 age group for 25 years has found that nutrition has improved over the last quarter of a century, but elderly people still tend to suffer from poor oral hygiene. The 1,700 people surveyed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food met ...

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    NHS audit move to Scottish parliament opposed


    Scotland's Accounts Commission says proposals to transfer NHS auditing to the Scottish parliament's auditor general 'could create unnecessary disruption' and run counter to standards elsewhere in the UK. The commission is resisting plans put forward by the Financial Issues Advisory Group - set up to advise the government on issues ...

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    Teenage mothers not 'from deprived group of myth'


    Teenage mothers come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are not the deprived group of popular mythology, researchers argued last week. A Policy Studies Institute report, published days after former prime minister Baroness Thatcher launched an attack on single parents, says young mothers 'should not be stigmatised' and calls ...