Latest news – Page 2783

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    Long-term care commission look to Australia


    Proposals to reform care for elderly people in Britain are likely to borrow from the system in Australia, it emerged this week.

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    On the record


    CLIFF PRIOR is chief executive of the National Schizophrenia Fellowship. He chairs the government's mental health national service framework sub-group on long-term care.

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    Managers summoned over Welsh waiting lists


    Senior NHS managers have been summoned to meet Welsh health minister Jon Owen Jones to 'discuss their contributions' to reducing lengthening waiting lists.

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    Social policy 'must focus on inequalities'


    The chair of the government's inquiry into inequalities in health has called for 'health inequality impact assessments' to be applied to all areas of social policy.

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    Managers call for power


    Government drives to improve quality in the NHS could give managers responsibility for clinical performance without giving them power to change clinical practice, says the Institute of Health Services Management.

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    Agencies cash-in on working time limit


    The NHS is facing a bill of at least 100m as employment agencies seek to exploit nursing shortages and the new European working time directive to drive up the costs of hiring agency staff.

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    Widdecombe considers widening PFI to NHS clinical services


    The private sector would manage NHS hospitals and clinical services through an expanded private finance initiative under policy proposals being considered by shadow health secretary Ann Widdecombe as part of her review of Tory health policy.

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    NHS Direct 'will need 15,000 more nurses'


    The new deadline of December 2000 for extending NHS Direct, the government's nurse-led telephone helpline throughout England is 'challenging but feasible' according to one of the scheme's advisers.

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    Daily transcripts of the inquiry into the deaths of children during heart surgery at Bristol Royal Infirmary will be published on a website when hearings begin next year.


    Daily transcripts of the inquiry into the deaths of children during heart surgery at Bristol Royal Infirmary will be published on a website when hearings begin next year. The site, launched this week, will initially include details of the inquiry's terms of reference and the opening speech by inquiry chair ...

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    CMO launches flu jab campaign


    Professor Liam Donaldson, England's new chief medical officer, this week launched a national campaign to make clinicians and the public aware of the importance of flu vaccinations.

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    The NHS Executive


    The NHS Executive has pulled back from compelling health authorities and trusts to sign a public assurance that all their clinical and non- clinical risks are assessed and properly managed by the year 2000.

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    Milburn finds 9m for PCG recruitment


    Primary care groups have won a 9.1m cash boost to recruit board members and staff before they start running in April next year.

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    Royal College threatens A&E closure in Manchester


    An accident and emergency department is threatened with closure after a critical report from the Royal College of Surgeons.

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    Strait-jacket required


    The NHS may have fared well financially from Tony Blair's comprehensive spending review, but, asks Lyn Whitfield, will the conditions it comes with prove too restrictive?

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    It's safe to come out now


    In a break with tradition, there was not a single pot shot at health service managers during the political conference season. Patrick Butler wonders if 'mature' debate is, indeed, the order of the day

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    Poor health


    Some of 'the best health data in the world' has been pulled together, for the first time, in a report clearly showing the link between material deprivation and ill health in Scotland. It reveals that deprived Scots experience greater mental health problems and have a higher incidence of coronary heart ...

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    Some thought Ann Widdecombe's line, 'The Conservatives are, and always have been, 100 per cent committed to the values of our health services', was a joke. It wasn't.


    She had a dig at public health minister Tessa Jowell's alleged vanity - 'now I could understand it if she had my good looks'.

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    Poor law


    Newly compiled statistical evidence on the state of health of the Scottish nation demonstrates as never before the link between deprivation and ill health

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    It's safe to come out now


    In a break with tradition, there was not a single pot shot at health service managers during the political conference season. Patrick Butler wonders if 'mature' debate is, indeed, the order of the day

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    Laugh? I nearly cried: conference comedians


    Some thought Ann Widdecombe's line, 'The Conservatives are, and always have been, 100 per cent committed to the values of our health services', was a joke. It wasn't.