Latest news – Page 2785

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    The public health white paper, originally due for the autumn, is now likely to be published in in the New Year.white paper.


    The public health white paper, originally due for the autumn, is now likely to be published in in the new year. According the Financial Times, an official explained that the plan was to launch it before Christmas, 'but we felt it was a bit nannying to tell people about cutting ...

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    Practice as an art


    Appreciating practice in the caring professions By Della Fish Butterworth Heinemann 288 pages £16.99

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    Conflicts in public health unravelled


    Public health the vision and the challenge By Walter Holland and Susie Stewart Nuffield Trust 254 pages £30

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    Answering questions on overcoming fear


    The public health and the National Health Service- your questions answered By Norman Vetter Radcliffe Medical Press 133 pages £16.50

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    in person


    Professor Elaine Murphy has been appointed chair of the King's Fund's mental health programme, 'Working Together in London'.

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    Phoney wars


    A landmark ruling in GPs' long battle to be paid for telephone advice could cost health authorities thousands of pounds. But the claims should never have been made, argues Steve Ainsworth

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    Delivering the goods


    Community maternity units have played an important role for women but primary care groups are casting doubt on their future. Elisabeth Baxter and colleagues look at a survey of mothers' and midwives' wishes and at GPs' reactions

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    Heading for Reading


    Alison Hyde has had enough. After 20 years reporting or working for the NHS, she's moving out of health altogether and, she insists, she has no regrets

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    Messages from the frontline


    While primary care groups have a lot of support in principle, worries that practices will be reluctant to co-operate with each other remain. Michael Place and Andrew Street analyse the results of a series of workshops

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    Save-our-hospital types giving you a tough time? Just point 'em in Monitor's direction. The Save Bart's campaigners were so incensed by an item about their attempt to bag a bit of free publicity during the NHS 50th anniversary Songs of Praise programme that they took HSJ to the Press Complaints ...

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    15 October 1948


    The divorce between hospitals and the authorities concerned with public and social medicine has already been noticed and deplored. The issue now is to organise practical means of bridging the gap. There is great opportunity for closely integrating local authorities' preventive, after-care and social medicine services within the structure of ...

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    Guidance gives the go-ahead for Welsh local health groups


    Welsh health minister Jon Owen Jones has given the green light to local health groups by issuing detailed guidance on their role, structure and funding.

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    HA 'underestimates' PFI plan costs


    The cost of replacing two acute hospital sites with one private finance initiative scheme may have been 'significantly underestimated' according to a report commissioned by the health authority behind the proposals.

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    Record compensation sparks maternity review


    A hospital which has agreed Britain's largest medical compensation settlement is to hold an independent review of its maternity services.

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    Pay row as review bodies defy Blair limit


    Government hopes of limiting next year's health service pay awards have been dented as pay review bodies resist pressure to keep within departmental spending limits.

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    Winning idea


    Punters in a Wolverhampton betting shop cast an eye over an display provided by Wolverhampton Health Care trust to mark world mental health day. The trust put information up in Ladbroke's shops and Banks's pubs, and hopes to target factories in future.

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    In brief: NHS dentistry


    The government has launched 13 pilot sites to improve NHS dentistry under the Primary Care Act 1997. The pilots will share a £600,000 grant for preparatory costs.

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    In brief: Prince Edward


    Prince Edward was due to officially open a new accident centre at St Peter's Hospital in Chertsey today. The £8m building will be called the Prince Edward Wing.

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    In brief: Hope Hospital


    An £8.5m scheme to develop a centre for clinical neurosciences at Hope Hospital in Salford has been approved. The centre will bring neurosurgery, neurology and diagnostic and clinical support services for Greater Manchester together on a single site.