Latest news – Page 2787

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    Comprehensive spending review cash wins cautious welcome


    The Healthcare Financial Management Association welcomed the extra cash from the government's comprehensive spending review, but expressed concern about its distribution.

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    All together now


    The first joint national priorities guidance has arrived, spelling out new responsibilities to health and social services. Kaye McIntosh encounters mixed feelings about the measures, with fears about the speed of it all

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    Pool position


    The national priorities guidance sets targets for joint working. Joint funding proposals were spelt out last month in a consultation document, Partnership in Action.

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    Shadow boxing


    Ann Widdecombe brought the faithful to their feet with fighting talk at last week's Conservative Party conference. Patrick Butler reports

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    Leading lights


    Conservative Party leader William Hague admitted in his keynote address to the conference: 'We have a lot of work to do on health.' Picking up on the themes of Ms Widdecombe's speech, he said: 'The NHS doesn't belong to the Labour Party, it belongs to the people of Britain. We ...

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    Party pieces


    Ms Widdecombe emphasised that the Conservatives were still some way off a new health policy. But she placed some important markers to guide her party's thinking.

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    Crossing the flaw


    Department of Health-commissioned analysis shows that the Conservatives' Health of the Nation strategy was flawed and had minimal impact. Mark Crail examines how its little publicised findings will inform Labour policy

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    A poor fit


    Managers fear Northern Ireland's unique experience of joint health and social services may be under threat. Pat Healy reports

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    SNP: still no policies


    The Scottish National Party listened to healthcare staff, patients and pressure groups at its 'people's assembly', but with elections to the Scottish parliament approaching, it is yet to create a health policy of its own. Barbara Millar reports

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    Ministers plan to keep special hospitals open


    Ministers want to maintain high security hospitals at Ashworth, Rampton and Broadmoor - but are planning legislation so they can become NHS trusts.

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    Six patient deaths trigger HA probe


    An independent review triggered by the death of six patients with mental health problems has expressed 'considerable concern' about the conduct of internal investigations at East Herts trust.

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    where are they now? No 88 Guy Howland


    Pocket profile Jovial, mercurial civil servant turned NHS policy wonk and patients' champion. Private secretary to the late Sir Roy Griffiths.

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    Dissipating a climate of trust


    Partnership is a key theme running through the government's plans for change across the public sector. It assumes particular importance in the health policy arena where a plethora of professionals and agencies contribute to the health enterprise. Making partnerships work in the health sector is the ultimate challenge.

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    The Russian economy collapsed into chaos years ago; its political system has been in near-permanent paroxysms since any key event in the country's history you care to choose as your starting point.

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    Tory conference


    Let me confess right away that for the first time in many years I skipped the Tory conference in order to accompany the Blairs to China. That means I missed Ann Widdecombe's barn-storming speech and what appears to have been William Hague's barn-door-missing speech as well.

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    Enough is never enough but too little is just too much


    Despite promised cash injections, the NHS is heading towards instability

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    When the chips are down


    The only real solution to the nursing shortage is much better pay

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    Partnership working requires new attitudes



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    Physiotherapists disagree over use of terms

