Latest news – Page 2792

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    New approach to the waiting list problem


    I was interested to read John Henderson's letter (13 August) on waiting list management in child and adolescent mental health services.

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    Many staff dance on head of a pin when it comes to their own safety


    After reading your item on needlestick injuries (page 4, 20 August), I wanted to let you know what we are doing at King's Healthcare trust.

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    Complaints about equal opportunities do not paint the whole picture


    Your news story on equality practice (page 2, 10 September) pointed showed many trusts not turning policy into action.

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    How the NHS must take a new approach to clinical litigation - and prove that it doesn't need lawyers to see justice done

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    Nostalgic look back at past caring


    Headline Health: Health Service Journal History of the NHS Edited by Wendy Moore Emap Healthcare 125 pages 13.99

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    Social science


    The economics of social spending 2nd edition Edited by Howard Glennerster and John Hills Oxford University Press 363 pages 40

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    True-life tale of blood, sweat and tiers


    Bloodllines Real lives in a Great British hospital Andrew Davidson Little Brown

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    Phoney wars


    When GPs were told they could no longer claim payment for giving telephone advice, they were up in arms. But Steve Ainsworth says they should never have been claiming in the first place

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    Joys of the single life


    Nearly half the general practices in London consist of one doctor. Jeremy Davies spoke to a selection about their reasons for going solo.

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    LIZ in a tizz


    Set up to close the primary care service gap between London and the rest of the country, the LIZ programme has achieved little beyond improved premises. And, say Richard Lewis and Susan Williams, the capital's underperformance still needs urgent attention

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    London still needs to address:


    the large number of premises requiring upgrading or replacement;

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    Qualified support


    The NHS human resources strategy was broadly welcomed at the HR managers' conference last week. But funding, coercion from the centre and consistency of standards were some of the concerns. Barbara Millar and Mark Crail report

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    It's cold outside


    The second annual forum of trust and health authority chief executives found them voicing bitter complaints about New Labour's command and control style. Peter Davies and Pat Healy were there

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    Penetrating the corridors of power


    NHS chief executives should play dirty and learn political advocacy so that they could manage upwards as well as downwards, said Labour peer Baroness Young, chair of English Nature and former IHSM president.

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    Chips with everything


    Already stretched to their limits by the year 2000 bugging imbroglio, IT managers are now be asked to deliver on Frank Burns' punishing new strategy. Can it be done, wonders Peter Mitchell

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    In a class of their own


    The Liberal Democrats took a leaf out of education policy with calls for a health National Curriculum. Patrick Butler listened to heated debates on rationing

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    'People must beware of miracle cures and medical offers on the Internet,' warns John Bridgeman, director general of the Office of Fair Trading. 'If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.' Sound advice.

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    Take it up with the kipper


    It's easy to make jokes about managerial incompetence - and note how most management jokes are derogatory.1 'Mushroom management' became an NHS cliche in the 1980s, with managers claiming they were kept in the dark. Now there are seagulls and kippers. The former fly in, dump all over the workers ...

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    The MPs knew as well as anyone else that some sort of showdown was coming over the dear old blood transfusion service ever since the National Blood Authority swept away the 50-year-old patchwork five years ago last week. In the AIDS era blood is a sensitive as well as symbolic ...

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    Time for ministers to bring the execs in from the cold Practical politics demands that chief executives be given more trust


    You do not need to be a student of Machiavelli to realise that anyone who seeks to lead a large-scale enterprise must rely on able and committed lieutenants on the ground to bring their plans to fruition. Fostering a sense of well-being among them is crucial to success. And integral ...