Latest news – Page 2795

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    UCLH in court victory over Unison strike


    One of London's largest trusts has won a last-ditch court battle to avert strike action planned for next week.

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    Fraudbusters making 'substantial' progress


    Health authorities are making 'substantial progress' in beating contractor fraud, according to a survey by the Health- care Financial Management Association.

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    Dobson gives green light to pooled budgets but merger ruled out entirely


    Health and social services authorities will be able to pool budgets under proposals set out this week in the government's promised consultation document on joint working.

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    Mixed-sex wards advice is attacked


    Campaigners calling for an end to mixed-sex wards in psychiatric units have attacked advice on new builds issued by the NHS Executive.

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    Euro health policy will target poor


    A new European-wide health policy, setting targets for reducing health inequalities between east and west and rich and poor, was due to be ratified by health ministers in Copenhagen this week.

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    Labour warned by academics on drift towards centralisation


    Labour looks set to repeat a key Conservative error by imposing heavy-handed central control on the NHS, according to the most comprehensive review yet of the last set of reforms.

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    Milburn accused over 'easy' fat cat rhetoric


    Health minister Alan Milburn has been accused of using 'the easy rhetoric' of 'fat cat managers' by the First Division Association.

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    Ambulance trust merger hit by 'mistrust'


    'Tension and mistrust' is creeping into merger plans involving three trusts in the east Midlands, according to the chief executives involved.

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    In brief


    Prime minister Tony Blair has been urged to support global rules controlling tobacco marketing in the forthcoming white paper on smoking. The call comes from the World Development Movement campaign, which is trying to stop tobacco companies 'aggressively marketing' products in the third world to replace sales lost in developed ...

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    Job scheme under attack from union


    Greenwich Healthcare trust has been reported to the National Audit Office for allegedly misusing public money to develop a

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    Short cuts


    IHSM slates lack of guidance over PFI projects

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    Demand for boards and trusts to share list cuts


    Health board general managers and trust chief executives will be expected to 'sign up' to their share of the Scottish waiting list cuts target.

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    Calman questions screening needs


    Chief medical officer Sir Kenneth Calman used his final annual report to question the value of some of the 100 screening programmes in place across the NHS.

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    Scottish GPs demand more say in reforms


    GPs have called for a bigger say in the government's reform of the Scottish health service.

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    Northern Ireland at risk from fraud


    Northern Ireland could be losing millions of pounds a year through fraud in primary care, a report from the Northern Ireland Audit Office has concluded.

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    Where are they now?


    No 86

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    Super idea puts paid to talks


    Managers are miffed that they were not forewarned about the government's 'nurse consultants' plan, and are wondering how it will affect the already complicated pay discussions.

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    Minority action


    Trusts believe in the principle of equal opportunities - the policies are there to prove it - but only a minority know how to put them into practice. Thelma Agnew reports

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    Take a walk on the wild side


    Does a trade union background help prepare you for management? As the TUC meets this week in Blackpool, managers who were once activists talk to Patrick Butler

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    Back to Beveridge


    The Liberal Democrats believe they have a blueprint for reassessing the welfare state. But nowhere does their latest health policy paper say how much it would all cost.