Latest news – Page 2814

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    We won't lie back and accept this 'hypothetical' argument: where's the data on buying beds?


    I was concerned to read Peter Cave and Leonora Descombe's article ('Slow on the uptake', pages 30-31, 30 April), and even more so when they claimed it to be hypothetical.

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    Ministers double cash in sop to mental health policy critics


    Ministers moved to head off further criticism of their controversial policy of ending care in the community this week by doubling the money on offer to create alternative services.

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    Purchasers and providers in battle for 'unified' Confederation chair


    Senior figures from both sides of the health service's purchaser- provider divide are set to contest next month's election to appoint

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    Lighthouse wins fight for building


    The London Lighthouse charity for people with HIV and AIDS has won its battle to stay in its purpose-built premises in Notting Hill, west London. But its residential services will close at the end of September.

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    HA chief executives will be given tough powers to ensure PCGs keep in line


    Health authority chief executives are to have tough powers to hold primary care groups to account, according to draft guidance seen by HSJ.

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    Concrete issues


    Gems or carbuncles? In the second of three articles, Ann Dix reports on the rise and fall of some of the pioneering hospital buildings of the 1960s and 1970s

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    Worth preserving?


    When Wexham Park Hospital (above) was proposed for grade two listing, hospital managers were not the only ones to react with horror. 'Gems or carbuncles?' screamed the Daily Express in February 1996 when the proposed post-war listings were announced: 'Concrete from 60s on list of treasures.' And under a photo ...

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    'It was the wrong time for beautiful architecture'


    Completed in 1970, Northwick Park Hospital (above) was too late to be included in English Heritage's listing proposals, but it may be singled out next time. If so, it is bound to cause consternation. For the building is universally regarded as an ugly concrete sprawl, even though it has proved ...

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    Written off 'Rolls-Royce'


    In the mid-1980s, Greenwich District Hospital looked as if it had a future. The 1960s building was due to be redeveloped, allowing specialist services to move from neighbouring hospitals. Plans included a tunnel link to new buildings over the road, moving car parking to the roof and reducing reliance on ...

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    Direct enquiries


    NHS Direct, the nurse-led 24-hour advice and information helpline, should be available to all within two years. Three pilots were launched in March, and by the end of the year a second wave of pilots will cover 10 million people.

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    Omission to explain


    Some years ago I changed my GP. I did not offer him an explanation, nor did he ask for one. He did not complain to the local family practitioner committee, nor did he write indignantly to the health service commissioner. I do not imagine for a moment that the GP ...

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    Local commitment with a global vision


    Having been a GP, an NHS manager, and a chair of social services, Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge has a rare perspective across the rugged landscape of health and social care.

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    Audit Commission denies 'inside track' deal


    The Audit Commission has been left red-faced by the recent 'cash- for access' row after it emerged it had hired controversial parliamentary lobbyists Lawson Lucas Mendelsohn to provide a 'public affairs' service.

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    The cost of in vitro fertilisation is between 2,000 and 3,000 per cycle according to Department of Health estimates. Public health minister Tessa Jowell said the estimates were based on information supplied by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the National Infertitlity Awareness Campaign.

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    Andrew Woodhead


    has been appointed acting chief executive of Wellhouse trust. He is currently a senior performance manager with North Thames regional office and was previously chief executive of Haringey Healthcare trust. He starts his appointment on 3 August in a shadow capacity.

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    Ian Kenyon


    has been appointed director of human resources and corporate business at Dorset health authority, where he will be involved in the development of primary care groups. Mr Kenyon was previously director of personnel and deputy chief executive at West Dorset General Hospitals trust.

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    The Department of Health paid 95.3 per cent of its bills on time last year


    The Department of Health paid 95.3 per cent of its bills on time last year, meeting targets set by the Department of Trade and Industry. But the DoH will have to meet a 97.5 per cent target this year and a 100 per cent target next year, small firms minister ...

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    Private ambulance services' fury over paramedic register


    Private ambulance operators have threatened legal action against plans for a national register of paramedics - claiming that it is an attempt to squeeze them out of the 30m 'public and sporting events' market.

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    'Bristol babies' chief to appeal


    Former trust chief executive John Roylance is to appeal to the Privy Council after being struck off by the General Medical Council for his part in the Bristol heart babies case.

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    Shutting of community hospitals set to be referred on to Dobson


    Plans to close two community hospitals in Oxfordshire will almost certainly end up on health secretary Frank Dobson's desk.