Latest news – Page 2817

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    An internal war smoulders on for the soul of commissioning


    Despite the end of fundholding, old enmities continue

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    Why this punishing schedule?


    The past eight months have been revolutionary, and the scale of change has taken most of us by surprise. A few months ago it was all quiet on the policy front.

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    How long before all those website addresses lose their final two letters? As the development of Scottish Health on the Web goes on, so the gap between the NHS north and south of the border becomes ever more apparent. And that's before anyone starts to think about the Scottish ...

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    Bliss was it in that dawn as Santa Brown dealt the dosh


    So difficult to get the tone right on these occasions, isn't it?' the Queen once remarked as her then prime minister explained away a sterling crisis to sceptical voters on TV. Watching MPs struggling with their response to Frank Dobson after he had done his Big Spender's lap of honour ...

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    Costs warning as rise of superbug threatens to defeat antibiotics


    Hospital infections caused by MRSA 'superbugs' have leapt by 50 per cent in just one year, unpublished Public Health Laboratory Service figures show.

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    Lighthouse will stay at home in pounds2m rescue package deal


    The London Lighthouse HIV and AIDS charity appears to have won its battle to stay in its purpose built premises - but its residential services are still set to close.

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    Sceptical MPs damp down cash boost euphoria


    The government's triumphant multi-billion pound boost for the NHS was left tarnished this week by MPs' allegations that it put a 'misleading' gloss on the real pounds8.8bn increase over three years by double and triple counting.

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    Small screen


    Small screen, big picture: health secretary Frank Dobson caught on video at the conference of the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales last week. He told CHCs that he wanted to keep their role 'in view'.

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    Spending review bonanza set to 'transform' scope of PFI projects


    Millions of pounds of public capital poured into the NHS as a result of last week's comprehensive spending review announcement will 'transform' the scope of private finance initiative projects, MPs have been told.

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    Heritage hospitals


    This is the latest thematic survey by the Royal Commission on the Historic Monuments of England, which compiles and makes available for us its superb record of England's built heritage. The book is substantial, very well-illustrated (in monochrome only) and fascinating. It is meticulously referenced, with a gazetteer of the ...

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    Refreshing realism on research strategy


    The first edition of this useful book, which appeared in early 1996, was full of optimism about the potential of the NHS research and development strategy introduced in 1991. It was, however, as the editors themselves admit, rather naive about the politics of health service research and the obstacles encountered ...

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    Donaldson appointed chief medical officer


    Northern and Yorkshire regional director Professor Liam Donaldson is to take over as chief medical officer for England on a top-ranking civil service salary worth up to pounds164,000 a year.

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    Why making some noise may keep the cash coming


    While the public stay committed to the NHS, the government must listen

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    Health ministers' statements just ain't what they used to be


    Baroness is no Bevanite on cottage hospitals or plain speaking

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    Greetings from Cardiff, where Monitor has spent a happy few days gorging on the generous hospitality offered at the British Medical Association's annual representative meeting. So nice to attend the conference of an organisation which can afford it for a change.

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    16 July 1948


    The King's Fund's future was raised at its annual genera l meeting by its president, the Duke of Gloucester.

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    NICE work if you can fund it


    Details of the government's quality drive are emerging, but managers are concerned at the lack of funding for the new initiatives and worried that they may be lost among other demands. Pat Healy reports

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    A matter for complaint


    The health service commissioner does not deal with staff whistleblowers, and only a fraction of complaints from the public concern clinical judgement. Could he really help prevent a recurrence of the Bristol tragedy? Mark Gould finds out

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    The great pretenders


    Anyone can claim to be a paramedic, but steps are being taken to freeze out the fraudsters who blight the profession. Patrick Butler reports

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    Shamed and blamed


    Former hospital orderly Paul Corney was convicted of administering prescription drugs to a motorway crash victim.