Latest news – Page 2818

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    Be sceptical of the capitalists


    Resale price maintenance is a remarkable device for ensuring that the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of over-the counter drugs are kept in the style to which they are accustomed. The consumer can go to Asda and buy Anadin, a branded aspirin product protected by RPM, for about £1.80.

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    Few diseases and conditions have quite as much attention directed at them as HIV and AIDS. A quick Alta Vista search on the two sets of initials throws up an immediate 32 categories and 1,066 sites. No doubt further thought on the search terms would uncover many others.

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    Level-headed Milburn won't forget his friends


    What does a minister do when he opens the Sunday newspapers and unexpectedly finds himself tipped for greatness: promotion to the Cabinet as chief secretary to the Treasury, the legendary 'Abominable No-Man', no less? It happened to Alan Milburn two weekends ago.

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    Prime minister is an inspiration to us all



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    DoH mantra feeds prejudice on mental health



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    Our chief executive did get fair shares



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    Your country needs you


    Why can't the UK solve its nursing shortage? James Buchan examines the pattern of problems and solutions

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    Listless feeling


    The NHS has been told to pilot booking systems to replace waiting lists. Ruth Kipping visited New Zealand, where the change is being attempted nationwide

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    The price is right


    The quest to cut the NHS drugs bill has met with spectacular success in the elderly care department of one acute hospital. David Griffith and Mark Robinson explain how

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    Union fury at trust's 'cynical' outsourcing


    Unions at University College London Hospitals trust have protested at its 'contemptible and cynical' outsourcing of information technology systems to market-leading health computing company HBOC. The £2m contract is part of UCLH's preparations for building a new hospital under a £160m private finance initiative deal.

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    Siemens dumps system


    Siemens Healthcare Services has dumped the OpenPAS patient administration system inherited from its takeover of ICL in 1996.

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    BMA raises data security worry


    Doctors' negotiators are preparing to demand extra controls on the new NHS-wide number-tracing service.

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    In brief: Scotland's NHS


    Scotland's NHS is to spend £6m on the next phase of a plan to connect the country's 370 hospitals and health boards to its 1,075 GP surgeries. The first phase provided £7m to equip GP practices with Windows NT machines and ISDN connections to a private BT network. The second ...

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    In brief: Pharm-line


    Pharm-line, the medicines bibliographic database developed by Guy's and St Thomas' trust, is now available in a searchable form over the NHSnet, at IP address

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    In brief: SMS


    SMS wishes to make clear that, of the two redundancies reported in last month's IT Input, only one was in the UK. The other was in Ireland. The company emphasises that it is not reducing its NHS marketing activities.

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