Latest news – Page 2819

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    in person


    Paul Turner has been appointed chief executive of Dorset Community trust. He has been its finance director since February 1997 and was previously finance director at Bradford Hospitals trust. A qualified accountant, Mr Turner has experience of both the public and private sectors.

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    In brief: Nicola Oldmeadow


    A sentence of two years probation on bogus nurse Nicola Oldmeadow was too small a penalty to deter others 'wanting to con their way into nursing', said the UK Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. Ms Oldmeadow worked for a string of nursing homes and agencies using the ...

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    In brief: British Medical Association


    The British Medical Association has called for 'ultimate responsibility' for health and safety in the NHS to rest with the NHS Executive, rather than trust and health authority boards. The call is part of a 10point charter issued at the BMA's annual representative meeting.

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    In brief: Private finance initiative


    Two out of three Labour MPs believe the private finance initiative will cost more than a publicly funded hospital building programme, Unison has claimed. It said a survey of 100 'old and new' Labour MPs found that just under half thought PFI would worsen NHS staff pay and conditions.

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    In brief: GP co-operatives


    Measures to control demand for services provided by GP co-operatives will be needed to stop the rota commitments of members rising, says a report from the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre.

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    In brief: OpenMind


    About 2 per cent of children hear voices, according to an article in OpenMind, the journal of mental health charity Mind. It questions existing research suggesting that voice hearing becomes worse as children get older.

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    In brief: Public Health Alliance


    The Public Health Alliance has published a report advocating a 'social model' of health.

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    Trust chief challenges DoH on 999 call system


    A trailblazing trust chief executive has launched an outspoken attack on Department of Health officials over their alleged failure to acknowledge his trust's success in being first to meet a new 999 response-time target.

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    MP tries to halt Lighthouse sale


    Liberal Democrat health spokesman Simon Hughes is to press the two NHS London regions to stop the London Lighthouse centre for people with HIV and AIDS from being sold in September.

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    Country protesters go to town in bid to save small hospitals


    Westminster was hit by the second countryside protest in six months last week. But this time it wasn't the middle England of hunting, shooting and fishing fame.

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    Region rejects calls for inquiry into mental health deaths


    Anglia and Oxford region has rejected a call for an independent inquiry into its handling of mental health services following a series of deaths blamed by campaigners on 'incompetence and mismanagement'.

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    Estates manager faces corruption charges


    Former Frenchay Hospital estates manager David Smart has been sent for trial at Bristol Crown Court on corruption charges following an investigation of the way £1m of contracts were awarded.

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    DoH backs research on homeless people and GPs


    The Department of Health is to sponsor research to identify areas where homeless people have persistent trouble getting access to GPs. The initiative forms part of an action programme coming out of the second report of the government's social exclusion unit. It sets a target of reducing the number of ...

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    Study finds quicker referral could save lives


    GPs could have prevented one death in 20 by quicker referral, diagnosis and treatment or by prescribing aspirin to patients with vascular disease, a study has concluded.

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    Manchester ambulances booked via Internet


    Greater Manchester Ambulance Service trust has become the first in the country to allow GPs to book non-emergency ambulances using NHSNet. The pilot scheme, which runs until October, is aimed at simplifying what the trust admits is a 'complicated and time consuming' system 'involving many telephone calls, booking forms and ...

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    Neuroscience trust moves to purpose-built home


    Britain's only integrated neuroscience trust moves into a new £22m building this weekend. Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery is moving from Walton Hospital in Liverpool, where it has been since 1947, to purpose-built accommodation next to Fazakerley Hospital.

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    Cancer framework 'fails to deliver equal access'


    The cancer framework now being used as a model for national standards in other services is failing to deliver equal access to care, according to the MP who chairs the Commons all-party group on cancer.

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    Ashworth set to join mainstream mental health service in wake of chief executive's departure


    Ashworth special hospital is to be integrated further into mainstream NHS mental health services following the surprise departure last week of chief executive Hilary Hodge.

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    What a gas


    Consultant anaesthetist Jake Alderson displays part of his collection of medical devices, which includes a child's iron lung from the 1950s and equipment used in the UK's first heart bypass surgery. Dr Alderson, who works at Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, hopes to open the first museum dedicated to anaesthesia.

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    Liverpool GP wins top BMA post


    Liverpool GP Ian Bogle has been elected chair of the British Medical Association's council, succeeding Sir Alexander Macara who stood down last week.