Latest news – Page 2820

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    Trusts charge patients 'exorbitant' prices for medical record access


    Trusts and GPs are imposing 'exorbitant' charges on patients seeking access to their medical records, according to a survey of 95 community health councils.

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    on the record


    MIKE FOGDEN is chair of the National Blood Authority. He was previously chief executive of the employment service. He began his civil service career in 1958 at the Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, which became the Department of Health and Social Security, after national service in the RAF.

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    Board games


    Three managers named in a report alleging financial mismanagement at a health board have left, while the fourth faces a disciplinary hearing. Matthew Limb reports

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    Labour pains


    This year, the British Medical Association's annual representative meeting follows 14 months of Labour government. But the doctors' leaders don't seem very happy. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Labour's first year: not what the doctors ordered


    Laurence Buckman, GP negotiator 'They have promised much and done little. You do not build policy in a vacuum - you start from where people are - so it is not surprising a lot of their ideas have built on Conservative policy. But at times it has been difficult to ...

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    Senior managers broke NHS pay rules


    Senior health service managers repeatedly broke NHS pay regulations to award themselves and colleagues thousands of pounds to which they were not entitled, an inquiry has found.

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    Troubled trust chief is suspended


    The chief executive of Central Scotland Healthcare trust has been suspended on full pay pending an independent inquiry into allegations of overpayments to a small group of senior managers.

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    Hospital board 'misled' on deficit


    NA senior finance manager at a London teaching hospital has been suspended after auditors found the trust board had been 'misled' over the scale of its deficit.

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    Dobson weighs up £21bn cash boost


    Health secretary Frank Dobson will announce today how the NHS is going to spend chancellor Gordon Brown's unprecedented £21bn give-away.

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    Generous to a fault? What the experts say


    King's Fund economists Sean Boyle and Anthony Harrison said: 'An extra £18bn in England over the next three years will bring total spending in the NHS to £46bn by March 2002.

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    Invoking the past to help deliver all our tomorrows


    So was it all worth it? For three short days the health service's 50th birthday extravaganza at Earl's Court commanded the presence of the great and good, as well as some high-ranking international guests and plenty of media attention. But in the process it almost bankrupted the NHS Confederation. Initial ...

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    in brief


    A small number of trusts have decided to give board-level directors no pay rise so that less senior managers can enjoy increases above the 2.7 per cent limit set by the Department of Health. A Pay and Workforce Research survey found three out of 50 trusts interpreting the pay ceiling ...

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    Alzheimer's campaign challenges drug claims


    The Alzheimer's Disease Society has challenged researchers' claims that new drug therapies could effectively pay for themselves by keeping patients out of institutional care.

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    Total purchasing study predicts PCGs won't cut management bill


    The introduction of primary care groups is unlikely to reduce NHS management costs in their first few years, a King's Fund report has suggested.

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    Scottish trusts make 'unnecessary use of locum medical cover' as costs double


    Poor management is to blame for the high cost of locum medical cover, a report by the Accounts Commission for Scotland says.

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    The Scottish Accounts Commission's recommendations


    Limit locum appointments to unavoidable or unplanned absences such as sick leave.

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    Party time


    Party time: health secretary Frank Dobson and the 'first NHS patient' Sylvia Diggory returned to Trafford General Hospital, where Aneurin Bevan launched the health service in 1948, to celebrate its 50th anniversary on Sunday (main picture). Meanwhile (from top), June Catterall (nee Salisbury), the first baby born into the NHS ...

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    short cuts


    Private finance initiative will 'reduce anxiety about funding'

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    Cor stroof, Mary Poppins. Even Tony Blair speaks Esturine these days, albeit about as convincingly as a latter-day Dick Van Dyke.

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    Going first class with the NHS


    When The New NHS white paper was published six months ago, its focus on quality surprised many people. But while it made all the right noises, it also skilfully left much unsaid. The specifics would, we were told, be set out in a consultation paper.