Latest news – Page 2824

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    A friend told me recently that Heretic was written by Leicester Royal Infirmary trust chief executive Peter Homa. I was flattered, given the impressive results of the pioneering business process re-engineering initiative he drove at LRI. But that mould-breaking effort's multi-million pound price-tag has deterred other trusts from challenging traditional ...

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    Bevan's babies at 50


    It was the year of the austerity Olympics in London, the first Polo mint rolled off the production line, bread was tuppence a loaf, and the NHS was born, along with 905,000 babies in the UK. Bernadette Friend tracked down some of Bevan's 1948 babies - who went on to ...

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    What the papers said


    Then, as now, bad news took precedence over good, and on the day the NHS began the papers were dominated by news of Britain's worst air disaster, in which 39 people died.

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    At your service


    Managing mental health services is 'lots of fun, very challenging and as intellectually demanding as any other senior management job in the NHS', says Peter Reading, chief executive of Lewisham and Guy's Mental Health trust in London. But, he adds, it can also be frustrating because it does not carry ...

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    Career file


    Name: Tim Davison

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    Andrew Riley


    has joined South Warwickshire General Hospitals trust as chief executive. He originally trained as a radiographer and held various posts in the NHS before spending a brief spell in the private sector, working for a computer company. He returned to the NHS in 1990 and was most recently acting chief ...

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    in brief


    Nine out of 10 NHS organisations are making satisfactory progress in dealing with the year 2000 computer bug, NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands claimed this week. He said an NHS Executive survey 'reveals the NHS is much further on in responding to this problem than recent reports by the ...

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    Law Lords overturn illegal detention ruling


    Managers and patient groups have welcomed a Law Lords ruling which will mean thousands of people detained under the 1983 Mental Health Act can be treated as voluntary patients again.

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    Suits you sir


    Suits you sir: Royal Armouries conservator Alison Draper prepares a 17th century 'suit of armour' designed to correct orthopaedic injuries. It is to be moved from the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds to the Science Museum in London for an exhibition celebrating 25 years of the grant fund for the ...

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    Government should define core services, say LibDems


    Central government should take the lead in defining a 'core' set of NHS services, with local authorities able to offer extras from within their own budgets, Liberal Democrat health spokesman Simon Hughes said this week.

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    Scotland's NHS to be different to England's


    Plans to overhaul Scottish hospitals will leave the country with a very different health service to that in England, Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith said this week.

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    Short cuts


    DoH foots pounds 4m bill for mis-sold pensions

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    Forces hospital is set for closure


    One of Britain's two remaining military hospitals will close at the end of the financial year.

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    Hats off


    Hats off: junior health minister Paul Boateng and shadow health secretary Ann Widdecombe battle for possession of a firefighter's helmet outside the Houses of Parliament at a lobby called by the Spinal Injuries Association.

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    Medical product companies refuse to sign year 2000 IT bug guarantees


    Medical product manufacturers are collectively refusing to sign year 2000 IT compliance certificates sent to them by trusts.

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    CHCs face a shake-up after damning report


    Community health councils have largely failed in their role as local NHS watchdogs and are in need of a radical overhaul, according to a report backed by the NHS Executive.

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    BMA backs calls to close A&Es


    Doctors' leaders have thrown their weight behind the idea of 'super hospitals' serving half a million people each, claiming that local hospitals do not have the technology to save patients' lives.

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    Mean machine:


    Mean machine: mental health service users called for an end to the use of electro-convulsive therapy during a vigil at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and promised a 'national campaign to fight shock treatement'. The initiative is backed by a number of user groups, including Survivors Speak Out, Reclaim Bedlam ...

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    GPs lead race to succeed Sandy


    Three GPs are in the running to lead the British Medical Association when Sir Alexander Macara steps down as chair of its governing council today after five years in the post.

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    on the record
