Latest news – Page 2831

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    Attracting more young GPs: successful schemes in County Durham and south London


    County Durham has one of the oldest established schemes to attract young GPs. Now entering its third year, 'Career Start' has already offered 15 vocationally trained GPs the opportunity to sample work in general practice without making a life-long commitment to one surgery. Two have now taken up partnerships within ...

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    The public health specialist who fled 'marriage' to half- a-dozen GP partners


    A growing interest in public health and a dissatisfaction with general practice led Steve Hajioff to make a major career change in his 30s.

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    Building to scale


    One of the new Primary Care Act pilot sites, Community Health Sheffield trust in partnership with a Sheffield inner city GP practice, is developing a 'salaried practice'. This raises several issues, including developing the GP salary scale, GPs' fears about their relationship with the trust, and concerns about management and ...

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    Whine lists


    GPs are now said to be working harder than ever - but are things really so bad? Fifty years ago the average GP had a list of 3,000 patients.The average figure masked the fact that huge numbers of GPs had larger lists, sometimes much larger.

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    Fears of Treasury meddling with IM&T


    Leading computing suppliers fear that Treasury interference with the coming NHS IM&T strategy will leave unsolved their main problem - the byzantine procurement procedures imposed on trusts wanting to spend more than a trivial sum on their IT projects.

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    'Reforms to blame' for upheaval in Scotland


    Conflicting reforms are set to cause a major IT upheaval in Scotland's NHS, according to Unison.

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    in brief


    Siemens Healthcare Services is conducting a 'full strategy review' of all its products, including the flagship Open-PAS patient administration system. A spokesperson said all aspects of the company's business operations were being examined by the new managing director, Robin Williams, who arrived in a shake-up last month. Siemens will announce ...

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    In recognition


    Life peer

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    Sir Alan Langlands


    The NHS chief executive gains a knighthood in the NHS's 50th anniversary year. Sir Alan has been chief executive since 1994, when he succeeded Sir Duncan Nichol, having served as his deputy. Sir Alan is a former general manager of North West Thames regional health authority.

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    World Cup fever has broken out down at Cathays Park where, despite the home side's failure to qualify, a Welsh Office spokesperson confesses it may take some time to get an answer to a technical query. 'I'll have to see if I can find a woman member of staff. Most ...

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    Analyst warns that hospital merger savings are an illusion


    Government hopes of saving pounds50,000 with every hospital merger are largely illusory, a leading health policy analyst warned last week.

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    Picture this


    Picture this: Pat Long was one of 40 students showing their art work at an exhibition in Leeds for participants in a course for people with mental illness. The exhibition, part-funded by Leeds Community and Mental Health Services trust, included drawings, paintings, collages and sculptures. Course co-ordinator Phil Hopkins said: ...

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    Pressure increases to finance MS drugs


    Health authorities could be under pressure to fund Betaferon treatment for thousands more patients - at a cost of millions of pounds - by the end of the year.

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    Short cuts


    First PFI contract for mental health unit signed

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    Bad consultants face loss of merit awards


    Hospital consultants who fail to meet new quality measures could have their merit awards withdrawn by the Commission for Health Improvement.

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    Lighthouse nears rocks as consultation rethinks


    Campaigners hoping to save the London Lighthouse HIV/AIDS centre as a health service facility have agreed to co-operate in a new consultation exercise which excludes it as a future provider of residential services.

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    Pastures new


    Toby Harris's controversial departure from the CHC movement comes at a time of deep uncertainty over its future, writes Patrick Butler

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    Something of the fight?


    With her appointment as shadow health secretary Ann Widdecombe's rehabilitation is complete.

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    Widdecombe fare


    Name: Ann Noreen Widdecombe, aged 50, single.