Latest news – Page 2833

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    Public Health Alliance points out missing link


    The Public Health Alliance was the instigator of the research described by Stephen Peckham and colleagues ('The missing link', pages 22-23, 28 May), and of the forthcoming report on the research, A Public Health Model of Primary Care: from concept to reality. PHA has a reputation for radical and innovative ...

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    New body finds a way through the bottleneck


    In 'Slow-acting remedy' (pages 24-25, 21 May) Eldridge and South are right to point out the shortage of skills, either to undertake research studies, to lead research teams, to apply research to developing practice or to provide training and supervision for research.

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    Solid support for Ashworth chief executive Hodge from senior managers in north west


    We write in relation to recent events at Ashworth Hospital (News, page 4, 28 May).

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    From dinosaurs to dynamos


    Regarding your feature 'Slow on the uptake' (pages 30-31, 30 April), Brighton Health Care trust introduced centralised equipment hire and a purchase plan to dramatically reduce hire expenditure last September.

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    How to make an Impact on the lengthy waiting lists for sight-restoring cataract operations


    Your report that Scottish MPs were shocked to find that large numbers of people are waiting for sight-restoring cataract operations (News, page 8, 14 May) again highlights the issues surrounding the management of this common condition.

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    Holding the line


    Milton Keynes had a lively bank holiday weekend judging by calls to NHS Direct, the 24-hour helpline launched in March.

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    Judge overturns 'irrational' barring order


    Mental heath law is a minefield. Last month a patient detained under the Mental Health Act for four months in 1996 won a High Court order quashing a decision by Riverside Mental Health trust to continue detaining him after his mother applied for his discharge.

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    Tube driver equality win may point way for NHS


    Which organisation employs the largest number of women with childcare needs? I don't know for sure, but I'd be willing to bet it's the NHS. So a woman tube train driver's landmark sex discrimination victory bears close study.

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    Legal aid rule changes


    Major changes in the way the Legal Aid Board deals with medical negligence cases could be on the way. These have already been foreshadowed by the government, but a report just issued by the board fills in dates and details.

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    in brief


    Not a peep yet from the European Court of Justice in Strasbourg on whether part-time workers who won pension rights can back-date their claims to 1976, or only for the two years laid down by UK law. In a recent equal pay case, Advocate General Philippe Leger suggested the two-year ...

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    Rough road of reforms


    Competition and planning in the NHS

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    Solutions that don't threaten autonomy


    Clinical guidelines and the law

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    The toolkit for coping with a state of flux


    Project management for health care professionals

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    Shake up or ship out


    Everyone who works in the NHS is used to periods of turmoil and uncertainty, and finance staff are one group that now feels under threat. The early 1990s saw an enormous growth in their number as trusts and health authorities struggled to cope with the internal market. Promotion was rapid ...

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    Career file


    Name: Andy Leary

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    A 'portfolio' CV with a wide mix of experience


    Andy Leary set himself a target: to become a finance director by the age of 40. On 1 June he achieved his ambition, taking up the post at Lincolnshire health authority. But his route to the job has taken him through a variety of posts at HAs and the NHS ...

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    in person


    Former mental health nurse Steve Shrubb, director of operations at Northumberland Mental Health trust, has been appointed chief executive of the trust following the departure of Dave Anderson,

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    Strip tease


    days before England's first World Cup encounter, researchers from the Royal Free Hospital, London, and Bradford Royal Infirmary have reported that the thin weave of the official England team shirts offers little protection against harmful ultra-violet rays. Consultant dermatologist Andrew Wright, holding England striker Alan Shearer's number 9 shirt, says ...

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    in brief


    The number of cancelled NHS operations dropped by 12 per cent for the three months to the end of March, according to Department of Health figures. The DoH said this was the largest drop since figures have been collated.

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    Auditor urges rule on 'insider knowledge'


    The NHS should draw up clear rules to prevent potential 'conflicts of interest' among senior managers who leave to work for private companies that do business with the health service, says a hard-hitting auditor's report.