Latest news – Page 2838

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    In this 50th anniversary year of the NHS, one might have hoped for rather better from the Public Records Office. Come to think of it, one might have hoped for something... anything.


    In this 50th anniversary year of the NHS, one might have hoped for rather better from the Public Records Office. Come to think of it, one might have hoped for something... anything.

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    where are they now?


    No 78

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    Shades of Gray


    The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's new chief executive is no expert in physiotherapy, but says he understands the profession's needs, writes Linda Davidson

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    The rest is silence


    The National Blood Authority board meeting made little drama out of its latest crisis. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Wake-up call


    The government's declaration that community care has failed should galvanise mental health professionals into action. Cathy Cooper reports

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    The survey's findings


    Only 4 per cent of commissioners work solely on mental health purchasing, translating into two or fewer whole-time equivalent staff in 87 per cent of HAs.

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    Rewriting the ration book


    The case of Jaymee Bowen, child B, attracted media interest in 1995 because it epitomised the challenge of health services rationing. In reality, the case was a good deal more complex, raising issues not only about the priority to be attached to expensive medical treatments, but also about whether doctors ...

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    Commissioned for service


    GPs make better-informed decisions about commissioning mental healthcare when clinical and financial information from various agencies is included in service agreements. Eugene McGarrell and colleagues explain.

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    Money matters



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    Medical, social and political implications

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    Bridging the gap


    Bridging the gap: a crane lifts into place one of 11 sections of a bridge which will join together three hospital buildings. Hemel Hempstead General Hospital's 200-metre link, which cost pounds500,000, opens in September. The bridge has been warmly praised by managers. Michael Clarke, head of estates at the unit, ...

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    Naughty, naughty, naughty


    Naughty, naughty, naughty: Sir Harry Secombe is surprised by Mr Punch at the Punch and Judy festival in Covent Garden, London. The former Goon was at the festival to launch an audio-cassette called Apple Punch, which he narrates. The story by Terry Pitts Fenby is based on the Punch and ...

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    news focus


    It's all change as the GPs' organisations regroup and reposition themselves in the run-up to primary care groups, Lyn Whitfield explains

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    Searching for the assembly instructions


    Primary care groups are like a piece of self-assembly furniture with lousy instructions admits Michael Dixon, the new chair of the PCG Alliance. Mark Gould reports

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    Getting to the evidence


    The immense growth in sources of information for evidence-based medicine calls for a strategic approach, rather than a piecemeal and fragmented one. Ian Smith and Judy Palmer look at some good examples

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    Creating a shared evidence centre is too big and complex a job to be done in the margins of people's time. You have to plan and resource it properly from the outset. The obvious people to control the project are those in the group responsible for the trust's clinical effectiveness ...

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    Using Intranet technology


    Intranets look ideal for this job, as they give a consistent way of using both internal and external information sources. But the case study sites have found it not as simple as it looks.

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    The New NHS


    The New NHS demands that trusts will ensure that good practice, ideas and innovations, when they have been evaluated, are systematically disseminated within and outside the organisation, writes Jonathan Hazan. Trust chief executives will be made ultimately responsible for their quality of service. 'Clinical governance' is the buzz phrase.

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    Do you Read me?


    The Read codes have been dogged by controversy. But the real question is whether they can be adopted across the NHS, says Mike Cross

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    Two cheers for HISS


    The hospital information support system project has suffered heavy criticism. But supporters say it has benefits that don't show up in the figures, writes Peter Mitchell