Latest news – Page 2846

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    Fair shares for all


    The New NHS white paper and the recently published green paper, Our Healthier Nation, both place a heavy responsibility on health authorities to develop a public health strategy focused on multi-agency working. How to tackle poverty and its impact on health inequality will be a key issue for all HAs.

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    Health authority principles on tackling poverty


    Where services are resource-limited, they will be targeted at those in poverty.

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    Time for a meeting of minds


    A year into the current Labour administration we have policy initiatives that radically change the ideological basis of mental health services. Yet these initiatives have not been accompanied by clear thinking on the skills that managers will need to be able to deliver this new agenda or how organisations will ...

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    Key Points


    The policy agenda for mental health services requires managers to develop new skills.

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    In person


    John Mangan (above) has been appointed chief executive of the newly formed Thames Gateway trust. Mr Mangan was previously chief executive of North Kent Healthcare trust, which has merged with Thameslink Healthcare Services trust to form Thames Gateway. Mr Mangan qualified in psychiatric and general nursing and then took a ...

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    Where are they now?


    Healthcare 2000

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    Negligence actions at risk


    How will medical negligence cases be conducted in the brave new world if legal aid is withdrawn? Health service managers will find much to chew on in a report just out from the Institute for the Study of the Legal Profession at Sheffield University.

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    Appeal Court clarifies fixed-term contracts


    The Court of Appeal has cleared up confusion over fixed-term contracts, though the case, Kelly-Phillips v the BBC, is likely to go to the House of Lords.

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    Consent ruling on Caesarians


    A long-awaited ruling last Thursday by the Court of Appeal will stem the tide of NHS trusts making pleas to the High Court to sanction emergency Caesareans on women who refuse consent.

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    Barristers were up in arms when the top 40 legal aid earners were 'named and shamed' by the Lord Chancellor's Department. One QC, who often acts for plaintiffs in medical negligence cases, and was paid more than pounds300,000 from the legal aid fund in 1996-97, protested that he won 82 ...

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    University challenge


    Health service managers are moving into university research and development posts, bringing extra funds in their wake, and getting a chance to work more analytically and reflectively, reports Bernadette Friend

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    Career file


    Name: Jackie Ford

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    Jackie Ford scoffs at the slightest suggestion that leaving the NHS for university life is a soft option.


    To nail home her point she will reel off a list of performance measures and targets she has to meet which are, she says, every bit as demanding as those she faced in the health service.

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    This week


    Health check: public health minister Tessa Jowell arriving at the Langham working men's club, north London, where she launched a men's health campaign aimed at the over 40s. Club member Steve Connell, aged 44, is having his blood pressure taken by Ian Banks, head of the British Medical Association's men's ...

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    MPs condemn standard of leadership at heart of NHS


    MPs this week condemned the 'poor care and poor management' of many trusts and health authorities investigated by the health service commissioner and demanded that NHS central management take a closer interest in the performance of all NHS bodies.

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    Green light for health and social care trust


    Health and local authority chiefs have given the go-ahead to plans for the first mental health and social services trust outside Northern Ireland.

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    Three out of four Britons believe that free healthcare should be available to everyone - whatever the cost in taxation, according to a new MORI poll carried out for Debate of the Age. Further details on

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    CHCs attack bids to remove chairs


    Community health council leaders are calling for a review of rules amid fears that health officials are seeking to oust effective CHC chairs.

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    Scots waiting lists reach an all-time high


    The number of people waiting for treatment in Scottish hospitals has risen to an all-time high, despite Labour promises to reduce waiting lists.

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    Teenagers are 'badly let down by managers'


    Teenagers are being badly let down by NHS managers, who are leaving them to languish in adult wards and failing to develop services for their specific needs, a health consortium claims.