Latest news – Page 2850

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    So the rumours that Warwickshire health authority big cheese Mike Marchment is on the look-out for a new job are true. And was it to be closer to his Labour luvvie friends in the capital that he applied for the chief exec's job at Camden and Islington Community Health Services ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    7 May 1948

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    A friend of a friend was a builder working on the roof of a new multi-storey PFI hospital.

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    Joint approach


    The government's anti-drugs initiative aims at prevention, targeting the young and working with education and health authorities. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    In denial


    Cock-up or conspiracy? Mental health organisations spent two days at an official DoH policy summit, and they still were not told of ministers' plans. Mark Crail reports

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    Turf wars at the grass roots


    As work gathers pace to develop primary care groups, tribalism is rife, says health minister Alan Milburn, who talks to Peter Davies

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    Unfinished business


    The consultation document on the NHS in Northern Ireland keeps debate on its future very much open. Pat Healy reports

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    Getting into a pickle over a red herring


    Ann Dix fails to find a champagne drip at Damien Hirst's restaurant

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    Fast among equals


    Furious debate about waiting times doesn't just happen in the UK. Tony Sheldon reports on a row about fast-track treatment preoccupying the egalitarian Dutch as they cast their votes

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    NHSE urged to make trusts honour senior contracts


    Senior managers' organisations have called for action to prevent 'hundreds' of contractual disputes as the next round of NHS reforms gathers pace.

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    Trafford General Hospital


    Prime minister Tony Blair at Trafford General Hospital, which as Park Hospital was the site from which Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS 50 years ago. The hospital keeps an extensive archive from the period and is still in contact with many of the original patients and staff.

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    Managers are 'national force' says Milburn


    Health minister Alan Milburn wants to see 'a new sense of self-confidence' among NHS managers.

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    Talking points


    Good communications are crucial if the NHS is to meet government goals of forging links with other agencies. Yet many trusts or health authorities have no communications staff - and where they do have, they usually work alone

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    £500m for mental health in effort to 'protect public'



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    Drug abuse is identified as 'major concern'


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has described drug abuse as 'a major public health problem' and called for it to be tackled 'both nationally and locally'.

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    Showing the way


    Drugs czar Keith Hellawell sits in front of the giant IMAX cinema screen at the Trocadero Centre in London during the launch of the government's 10year strategy to tackle drug misuse in Britain.

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    In Brief: Tony Hockley


    Adviser to two Conservative health secretaries Tony Hockley argues that the last government was 'overly ambitious' about the state's role in improving public health. In a paper published with Nick Bosanquet, professor of health policy at Imperial College, London, he argues that Labour should involve the private sector and 'break' ...

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    In Brief: Association of Directors of Social Services


    A radical overhaul of elderly services, including scrapping residential homes and replacing them with sheltered housing, is proposed by the Association of Directors of Social Services in its submission to the royal commission on the long-term care of elderly people.

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    In Brief: Scottish Office-commissioned report


    The Scottish health service needs to bring itself up to the level of its English counterpart in providing information to patients, says a Scottish Office-commissioned report.

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    In Brief: More to gain access to NHS dental services


    A further 250,000 people will gain access to NHS dental services though government initiatives, health minister Alan Milburn said last week.