Latest news – Page 2857

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    In Brief: New Deal


    The government will have to tackle the health problems facing many lone parents before it can help them back to work under the New Deal, a study suggests. It found that illness and disability among a 1991 sample of lone-parent families had doubled by 1995.

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    In Brief: Work-related accidents


    The Health and Safety Executive has issued guidance to employers on the reporting of work-related accidents and occupational ill health in hospitals, nursing homes and general practice. It said that figures suggest only 37 per cent of accidents affecting employees in health and social work were reported to HSE in ...

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    In Brief: West Hertfordshire transport services


    Four trusts say they have reached agreement on support services changes to free £1m for patient care in West Hertfordshire. Transport services and estates management will be provided by in-house teams while catering, cleaning and portering are set to go to Granada Healthcare.

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    In Brief: Ivan Macky


    Ivan Macky, a former doctor at Grantham Hospital, Lincolnshire, was jailed for three years last week after being convicted last month of three charges of indecently assaulting patients in the hospital's casualty department.

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    In Brief: King's Fund


    A three-year scheme to evaluate new ways of working in primary care was launched this week by the King's Fund and the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre. It will look at developments in nine Primary Care Act pilot sites in England and Wales.

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    In the frame of the law


    Clinical governance will put chief executives in the firing line on medical issues. Pat Healy reports

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    Values-added attack


    Managers have to make moral choices, the NHS's high-flying trainees were told at their conference. Mark Crail reports

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    Careering ahead


    What drives people to join the NHS management training scheme and how do they see a career in management working out in the post-white paper world? Some of those on the scheme spoke to the Journal

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    The appliance of compliance


    Fine words are being written into the new quality framework, but managers want to know what sanctions there will be to back them. Pat Healy reports

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    Poll position


    Five health professionals who stood for election last May talk to Patrick Butler about their political lives

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    Called to account


    The Audit Commission is due for a review of its work over the past five years. Mark Crail reports

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    Past and failed


    How have the eager young would-be medics we saw on TV in 1984 fared? Mark Crail reports

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    Dismissal of a dinosaur


    Events at the National Blood Authority last week carry a far-reaching symbolic significance. Health secretary Frank Dobson's very public dismissal of NBA chair Sir Colin Walker is destined to form a memorable milestone on the long trek from the Conservatives' market-based NHS to New Labour's so-called 'modern, dependable' one.

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    The power and the pilfering


    This may be the age of the £125,000-a-year trust chief executive responsible for 15,000 staff and a budget of more than £400m, but can any manager in today's NHS claim the untrammelled power and influence - let alone the unquestioned personal authority - of the group secretary and house governor ...

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