Latest news – Page 2864

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    Focus pocus or change?


    Trends in New Labour's health record are emerging now it has been in office for 11 months.

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    Top-shelf Tess in a fruitless search for a good read


    The other night I caught Tessa Jowell on Channel 4 News battling against undue sexual candour in teenage girls' magazines that are actually read by pre-teens.

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    Is the gloss starting to rub off New Labour's shiny health team? Or is the manager who penned Monitor a clever parody of one of Alan Milburn's encouraging little speeches alone in feeling a tad disillusioned? In the week Al had chief execs in for a chat about getting waiting ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    2 April 1948

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    What is the world coming to? That bastion of impenetrable bureaucracy, the World Health Organisation, has redesigned its web site, and, for the first time since the Pentagon got the idea of linking up its computers to help it win the third world war, it has become an accessible and ...

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    Jack in a box


    Mark Taylor, chief executive of Royal Brompton Hospital trust, uses a telemedicine link to talk to his opposite number at Harefield Hospital trust, John Hunt (pictured on screen). The link allows doctors to discuss medical data without travelling up and down the 16 miles of motorway between the two hospitals. ...

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    Green light for first wave of HAZs and merged trusts


    The government's health service reforms took shape this week with formal approval for the first wave of health action zones and a new raft of hospital mergers.

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    Plans to halve number of Welsh trusts


    Controversial plans to halve the number of trusts in Wales were announced this week by Welsh health minister Win Griffiths.

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    On the rocks


    The proposed closure of London Lighthouse has sent alarm bells ringing throughout the hospice and palliative care movement. Neil Small explains

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    in person


    Veronica Cotterill (above) has been appointed chief executive of Richmond, Twickenham and Roehampton Healthcare trust.

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    where are they now? No 74 John Spiers


    Pocket profile:

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    An elusive equality


    THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE: A POLITICAL HISTORY By Charles Webster Oxford University Press 254 pages £9.99

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    Bending and shaping


    THE POLITICS OF CHANGE IN THE HEALTH SERVICE By Brian Salter Macmillan 257pages £14.99

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    Controversy over 'macho' management at Ashworth


    Troubled Ashworth Special Hospital was embroiled in more controversy this week amid claims that its new management regime is alienating staff with a 'macho' style.

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    Ex-manager faces charges of corruption


    A former estates manager is to appear in court on corruption charges in connection with an alleged £1m contracts scandal.

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    Cottage hospital closes despite Labour pledge


    The first closure of a cottage hospital under the present government went ahead this week, just months after ministers said community hospitals would no longer be sidelined.

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    In Brief: Warwickshire health authority


    A review of 17,451 smear tests ordered by Warwickshire health authority has sounded the all-clear for the original results. The review exercise was ordered after a smaller review of 500 slides suggested there might be problems with a screening service in Rugby.

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    In Brief: Alan Milburn


    Health minister Alan Milburn has unveiled a £10m package of measures to 'tackle oral health inequalities'. The money will be used to increase dentists' fees for seeing children under six in deprived areas, and for fitting full dentures.

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    In Brief: Care services


    Care services 'routinely' ignore the views of disabled children and 'too often' separate them from their families, according to a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Who Cares? Trust. The report says the views of youngsters with little or no speech are particularly likely to be ignored.

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    In Brief: King's Fund report


    The government would find it more difficult to develop a fair system of healthcare if decisions were handed to elected bodies, says a King's Fund report.