Latest news – Page 2873

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    DoH alert failed to halt fatal op


    An 11th- hour intervention by the Department of Health failed to stop Bristol heart surgeons carrying out a fatal operation on an 18-month- old boy.

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    Has Labour been caught red-handed?


    According to the Conservative Party trust board appointments show evidence of 'Labour gerrymandering'.

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    The bat tles of Bottomley


    Love her or loathe her, Virginia Bottomley was a woman with crusading zeal. And, as Patrick Butler discovered, she still is

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    The Bottomley Years


    As health minister from 1989 to 1992, and then health secretary from 1992 to 1995, Virginia Bottomley's years at the Department of Health saw massive change. Among the highlights were...

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    Friendly society Does NAFP chair Rhidian Morris's exaltation to fundholders to 'start making these reforms work for you' herald a change of heart towards Labour policy? Mark Crail reports


    Fundholders' leader Rhidian Morris last week urged his members to throw off their 'depression' over the abolition of fundholding and 'start making these reforms work for you'.

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    Cutting a figure


    On Friday and Saturday nights, Birmingham sees a vast influx of young people into the thriving clubs and pubs of the redeveloped city centre.

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    Killer facts


    Someone in England dies every hour from accidental causes.

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    Just what is an accident?


    The green paper definition of an accident as an event which requires a visit to the GP or to A&E is 'interesting', says A&E specialist registrar Andrew Hobart. But he has his doubts.

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    Going public


    An interim report by Sir Kenneth Calman outlines proposals to bring public heath to the fore of the NHS in the longer term.

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    news focus


    Shenley Hospital pulled down its shutters and bolted its doors for good last month after saying goodbye to its final patient. In its heyday it had housed more than 2,000 mentally ill residents.

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    heading to come


    Tom McCarthy says: 'Community trusts recognise the writing is on the wall. A number have already begun to seek active alliances with GPs to safeguard their organisations. It makes sense because the trusts have the management expertise while GPs have the clinical expertise.'

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    Glasgow Royal Infirmary has launched an urgent inquiry into bed management and hospital porters' workload after a patient lay dead in the middle of a busy ward for four-and-a-half hours when life-saving efforts failed. The trust said no single rooms were free at the time.

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    HA condemns failed merger


    A health authority has threatened three trusts with job cuts after two of them refused to merge.

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    Sleeping It Off


    Sleeping It Off is one of 27 oil paintings by British artist Susan Macfarlane that seek to illustrate what it is like to live with childhood leukaemia. The paintings reveal a complex environment of laboratory testing and diagnosis, blood transfusion, the children's ward, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant and the ...

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    Trust signs up to European working times directive


    A trust has claimed a first by signing an agreement with staff on issues covered by the European working times directive.

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    HA halts service transfer after threat of legal action


    A health authority has stopped the transfer of specialist children's surgery between two London hospitals following a threat of legal action.

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    Opponents fail to stop single Welsh trust


    A single ambulance service trust is to be created in Wales next month despite vociferous opposition.

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    Board approves changes as Lord Ewing speaks out


    A Scottish health board this week gave the go-ahead to controversial proposals for service changes over which a trust chair dramatically quit.

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    Joining health and social services 'not on agenda'


    Integrated health and social services organisations are 'not on the current agenda', senior Department of Health officials have told MPs.

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    Webster urges setting up NHS commission


    The NHS's official historian has called for the creation of an NHS Commission to 'challenge received wisdom' and promote ideas for policy makers.